XVIII: All Wound Up

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It took me a few seconds to process what he said. When I did, however, I scoffed, "Just give me the clothes and leave, pervert." I took the pajamas from his grip.

King snatched the pajamas back from me and leaned against the wall as if he were waiting for me to obey.

My anger got the best of me and I found myself shedding both my shoes and my accessories. I turned my back to him and moved my hair to the side, "The least you could do is unzip me."

I could've sworn I heard King release a low chuckle before feeling his hands unzip my dress slowly. My breath caught in my throat as his rough palms slid back up my body and beneath the dress on my shoulders. His hands worked down my body as he peeled the dress off of my body agonizingly slow.

"T-that's enough," I barely whispered as the dress fell to my feet and left me in only a bra and panties. "I can do the rest myself."

Hands were on my hips, guiding me to rest against King's chest before his hands slid to my chest and fondled my breasts. I tilted my head and our eyes met. His hands grasped my breasts tighter, making me gasp and in turn, give him perfect access to my mouth. The soft kiss he then planted on my lips developed into a hot makeout, and my breasts were revealed to the cool air abruptly. I felt my nipples tighten, and the reaction only intensified as he fondled them further.

I was completely naked and resting with my back in the bed in the blink of an eye. King's fingers caused entirely new sensations to erupt inside my body as they curled inside my wetness, leaving me to mewl carelessly. He went on, ruthlessly fingering me until I was left calling out for more.

When King finally thrusted into me for the first time, I was rendered shameless along with the moans that came from my mouth. One of his hands curled around the back of my neck, bringing our foreheads to rest against one another. I hardly remembered him flipping us over and I was left fisting the sheets to keep myself grounded as King pounded into me and muttered the filthiest things I'd ever heard into my ear.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the knot in my groin grew intolerable— My lower back was to the bed sheets again, King now standing over me as he continued to nudge me over the edge. The momentary loss of my grasp in the sheets nearly flung me over, and I cursed, knowing I was at my wit's end. My forehead was against his again, the intimacy it caused nearly driving me insane.

King yanked my hair by the roots, "open your eyes, Gianna. I want you to look at me when you scream my name."

I forced myself to obey, eventually prying my eyes open as his ruthless thrusts continued.

"Look at me, ma," he whispered this time, his eyes clouded with absolute lust and need combined.

I barely nodded, and my eyes latched onto his now. His thrusts were deep and his whispers were completely filthy. I was practically useless to the world outside of his bedroom now.

King then shocked me by striking my clit, leaving me to convulse almost painfully while cumming around him. I felt myself squeeze around him as King continued to ride out my high. This led to him thrusting deeply into me a few more times before releasing himself.

I came with a loud moan of his name, not caring who heard, completely wound up in the pleasure I felt.

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