XXIX: Time Flies like Bullets

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After catching me in our brand-new master bathroom and deliciously defiling me, Zion made sure that the remainder of our engagement party went off without a hitch. We conversed and I basically sobbed with happiness when Georgia surprised me with even more peanut butter cookies. Needless to say that the night was perfect and I was down to half a platter of cookies by the time I went to bed. Zion held me close and fortunately actually slept beside me for the majority of the night again.

The rest of the month was spent packing up whatever belongings King and I wanted to move from his home and my flat. I wasn't allowed to lift any boxes, but Zion let me pack certain items. I was perfectly fine with that, as my bump was beginning to grow again and make me more cautious. I didn't want to risk harming the baby or myself in any way, so I labeled or packed the boxes for Zion and the Tags to pick up.

There was a lightweight box of clothing Kadeem wore, and I deemed that box appropriate to move by myself. I was walking beside a complaining Zion when I saw them. A man wearing a red mask aimed a gun at us. Zion shoved me behind him before pulling his own trigger. Five shots rang out, and the other man fell to the pavement completely lifeless.

I rushed to Zion's front, surveying his body for any wounds. He grabbed me and yanked me back behind him again, "What have I told you?"

"Not to jump in front until you made sure the person was dead," I recited guiltily.

"So why'd you do it?" He growled, bringing me with him as he approached the man.

"Because I love you," I said innocently, knowing it would soften him up.

Sure enough, Zion's eyes softened significantly before he delivered a kiss to my lips, "I love you too."

I saw the gloved hand raise out of my peripheral view, "Zion!"

Without hesitation, my fiancée turned to the bleeding man and shot him in the chest at close range. I yelped and looked away, afraid of what I'd see if I took the chance.

Zion pulled me behind him as to block my view, and I heard a tear before he was holding the red bandana.

The scar on his face ran from the eye to the chin. As soon as I realized, I spoke, "Just like Red's."

"This boy's not even that old," Zion muttered, his hand tightening around mine. "He looks just like me when I took over."

I rubbed his arm and pulled him away from the body, "You did the right thing, baby. He was going to kill us, and you stopped him. You aren't at fault."

Zion only planted a short kiss on my lips, signaling that he was lost in thought. When the Tags came, he muttered a simple 'track him' before pulling me into the now almost empty house. I was back on lockdown until Zion was sure he'd gotten rid of Red's other followers.

The final months of my pregnancy were spent in the spacious flat Zion had purchased for us all. Kadeem's grand mother opted to allow us to obtain legal guardianship of him as she had fallen ill. It took more than half my remaining pregnancy to obtain parental rights to Kadeem, and we made sure to celebrate once the documents were finalized. Cake was the only food I didn't have to airplane into Kadeem's mouth during dinner time, and I laughed as he made a mess out of his sliver of it.

Zion and I opted for a small and intimate wedding, our planner taking notes right out of my vision journal that Zion had secretly slipped her between meetings. The morning sickness, hormones, and cravings drove both of us crazy. There were good days and bad days, Zion and I could tell as soon as I woke up which one it would be. Even through my sex craze and mood swings, Zion stayed by my side confidently. We were married September fifteenth, the day uncle Saul had first introduced us over a decade ago.

Brielle and her family had flown home so that she could be my bridesmaid, and I finally met my niece Primrose. She was a beautiful baby girl, with the smile to boot.

"I should've been here for you," Brielle grabbed my hands after I'd finished everything she'd missed.

I shook my head, "You followed your dreams, Bri. Now you're on the cover of magazines and at the top of your game, girl."

"Speaking of magazine covers," she narrowed her eyes schemingly, "I might have some news for you."

I furrowed my brow as she revealed a magazine with my boss, Lucius Sinn, plastered on it beside a young girl resembling..

"Seven?!" I basically screamed. I heard clatter and knew I'd undoubtedly caught Zion's attention. Tears welled in my eyes at the sight of my younger half sister, "Where is she?"

Her smile turned sad, "She's fine. She lives in New York with Sinn now, but there's no telling where the two of them are at the moment."

"What the hell does that mean?" I sobbed tears of joy at knowing she was okay after her running away years ago. I felt Zion's hands rubbing my arms and knew he was glaring down at Brielle for making me cry.

She glanced to my fiancée before continuing, "Sinn and Seven are attached at the hip; she follows him when he goes on business trips, and he takes her wherever she wants to go."

"They're dating?" I sniffled as Zion wiped away my tears worriedly.

"Better," she took the magazine and flipped to a page where the couples faces were enlarged. She pointed to the large diamond on Seven's finger.

My jaw dropped, "My sister is engaged."

"Saul would be proud," she said, admiring the ring, "he always was a closeted diamond geek."

Speaking of Saul, I had just said 'I do' when our own decided to make his appearance. I should say his and her's, actually. I gave birth to twins later that night, and holding them both made all the pain worth it; Saul, Kayla, Zion, Kadeem, and I took a picture together to commemorate their birthday.

Zion was tenderly holding Kayla and Saul in his seat when he noticed me staring at him, "Gianna?"

I snapped out of my reverie, "I'm just thinking about my family."

He smiled sadly and came to my bedside, "I know you miss Philly. I wish you could've said goodbye."

Aunt Philly had passed while I was giving birth. Aunt Georgia didn't seem to be far behind based on how fragile her heart was becoming. The heath attack she'd suffered months earlier only contributed to my outrageous attitude with Zion, which I was now embarrassed to relive.

I shook my head at his words, "I meant you and our children, Zion. You are all my family, baby."

He kissed me softly, though sleeping Kadeem in my bed still managed to turn over as if we'd disturbed his dreams. Zion and I looked at one another before laughing quietly like we were both children again.

"I love you, Gianna."

"I love you too, Zion."


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