XXI: Family Time

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Zion was gone as soon as the hall door locked behind us. King was in full effect as we left the house, him ignoring every question about me and us being together as we went. I knew he was still loathing the fact I'd convinced him to accompany me home; "I'll give you head" was a simple way to end the quick argument we'd had while getting dressed.

I was more surprised by his taking my hand than by him helping me out of the car once again. I smiled to myself at the small action anyway, relishing in it.

I ushered him into the house and took note of the silence that followed his appearance. No relatives, even Saul's sons, spoke as soon as he entered.

When I stepped from behind him, however, those two pinheads made sure to break the silence.

David walked up to me, "You think you can just come in and take our family bar from us?"

"I am family," I reminded him with a smirk.

Malachi spoke up next, getting up in my face as he smirked maliciously, "You ain't Saul's kid though."

His words struck me square in the chest, and King quickly took notice of this. He pulled me back behind him and stared down Malachi.

There was almost a foot difference between the two, but Malachi was never one to back down from a fight. The idiot spoke as he reached for me, "What? You get all big and think I won't beat your ass? Step aside—"

As soon as Malachi laid a hand on my arm, King landed a punch to his jaw. The force sent him stumbling back on the front room carpet.

I grasped King's arm with my open hand in shock but hid my face behind him as I almost busted out laughing at the look on Malachi's face.

"Any more problems?" Kings deep voice asked, the sound flowing through the entire room. "Good."

David ushered his brother into the kitchen after shaking his head no, probably to get some ice.

I brought King down into a soft kiss before muttering, "thank you."

He kissed me again before surveying the room. All of my relatives turned their obviously prying eyes from us, but King didn't care about them.

He zeroed in on aunt Philly, who smiled up at him weakly. His lips quirked up just a bit as he gently took her hand in greeting, perplexing my other elders.

They held a quiet conversation before Philly turned to me. She held keys out to me, and I knew they were for the bar just by the red S carved into them.

She held my hand when I accepted them, "Take good care of it, Sweet Gi."

I nodded and embraced her lovingly, just happy to hear her soft voice again, "You know I will, aunt Philly."

She laughed weakly before conversing with the other elders. I found that the recliner was open, and led King to it. He sat down but took my hand again when he saw me move to leave, "Where you goin?"

I motioned to the kitchen, "To greet Georgia."

He shook his head and pulled me down beside him, "She'll survive, I won't; not after this morning."

I smiled and smacked his chest, "Stop it."

He smirked and kissed me slowly until I pushed against his chest, lowly reminding him that we had an audience.

He rolled his eyes, but I noticed him slowly drift into comfortable conversation with my uncles over the news and game. I smiled at this and rested against him. We spent the rest of the day there, including dinner, and King didn't seem to mind.

When the sun began to set, though, I noticed him beginning to text and answer more calls. I furrowed my brow when our eyes met, but he only shook his head and pulled me closer as he kept speaking.

He noticed me drifting off and stood, pulling me with him. He sent everyone a quick goodbye before ushering me out quickly.

"What's the rush?" I asked, now more than awake.

He closed the driver side door and started the car, "You got a promise to keep, ma."

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