XII: Laid to Rest

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Needless to say, he didn't show up at the house after that night. I looked all over the funeral home for him as people poured in on the day of the funeral, but Aunt Georgia eventually persuaded me to close the doors so the program could begin.

"Don't waste your breath waiting for him, Gianna," she said lowly, patting my hand, "Come on, let's go sit with Philly."

I took a quick look out of the windows before following her hesitantly.

I refused to go up to the casket and pay my respects to Uncle Saul, no matter how Georgia tried to pressure me.

I was frozen in my seat at the idea, "I can't, I can't."

So, I stayed beside Philly and held onto her hand as life support as others looked upon my uncle. The program was short and simple, as I didn't want Aunt Philly to be forced to be around the body of her husband. She had been numb since she saw the casket, and I knew she was in agony the entire time. She was told how sorry everyone was for her loss, but her eyes never left the casket.

I laid my head on her weak shoulder and squeezed her hand, I couldn't imagine..

She surprised me by squeezing back, this being the most response I'd gotten out of her all day. I smiled sadly.

I couldn't stand it much longer, I needed air. I'd just turned to leave when he arrived.

King stood tall among the few little brothers surrounding him. He was in an all-black suit, and his face was pretty banged up from what I could see.

I rushed over to him as my relatives backed away, "Holy shit, what happened?"

He only sent me a look before sliding his hands into his pockets, "Just killed a bug."

The action alone told me he wasn't going to be saying much of anything, so I did instead, "I could get you some ice?"

King scoffed at my sincere offer.

"I can't help you if you don't talk to me, King," I sighed, finding his sour attitude unbelievable.

I moved to touch his arm, but he snatched away from me nastily.

I furrowed my brow, "what happened? I thought—"

"The least you could've done was arrive on time like everyone else," aunt Georgia appeared by my side. She took my arm gently and guided me away from King, "there's no use in trying to help a man like him."

I nodded sadly, his rejection only making the lump in my throat grow.

However, I had to finish my job. I forced a smile and busied myself with catering to the needs of my elders. I didn't want to think about King, not when my family needed me. I tried to ignore King as he paid his respects to Saul earlier that day, the man not showing even a tinge of emotion when he saw the dead body, but I couldn't. I made sure to look away as soon as he moved down the line, though I felt his gaze on me.

He's not important.

The casket was transported to the gravesite while everyone ate, giving the employees enough time to set up while we met with the community.

"We need more ice," I heard Georgia say.

I jumped from my seat, announcing that I'd get the bags, and rushed to the back room.

I tried to take deep breaths as I unloaded two bags of ice, but the suffocating emotions of King and Saul combined were just too much for me to handle.

I slid down the doorframe and allowed myself to finally break—to completely shatter.

My tears were powerful and I prayed that no one would hear me. The last thing I needed was to give everyone someone else to worry about.

A train of broken sobs flew from me, and I quickly covered my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut as my temple began to pound from the intensity of my sadness.

Then there were hands.

They slid around my waist, gently pulling me up and placing me against a warm body. One hand tightened around my waist as the other moved to tilt my head. My tears were wiped away before a soft kiss was planted onto my lips.

The hands and the lips were all I needed to know who it was.

King brought me closer, turning me so that I was more comfortable against his chest. He deepened the kiss confidently, though he never pushed for more of a response. The slow kiss comforted me, even well after he'd backed away the first time. My head rested beside his tie.

I fondled the piece of fabric, "I never knew you could clean up so well."

King only shook his head before placing his lips on mine again. This kiss was shorter, though just as nurturing. He released me this time, his actions just as slow as his kiss.

He steadied me against him as I spoke, "Georgia should've been back here yelling at me by now."

King simply grabbed the two bags of ice and shut the door before ushering me back towards the dining hall.

My eyes found the little brothers blocking the doorway, and I realized that King had been watching me from afar the entire time.

I pulled him down into a kiss by his tie, making him smile. My kiss was fierce, and he quickly adapted.

He pulled back just enough that we could both breathe while still having our lips ghosting over one another's.

"I got you."

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