XXV: Trying Times

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I bounced Kadeem on my hip as King and I greeted relatives and friends at Kamari's funeral. King hadn't informed me of the mother's fatal overdose until Kadeem was suddenly in his arms when I came back from another repack and work pickup.

The child had quickly grown on me, his ever-happy nature and adorable laugh quickly winning me over. I had stocked up on baby books while grocery shopping with my unknowing aunt Georgia, and she nearly screamed before I filled her in. As far as the older women knew, I was simply babysitting the child while his grandmother baby-proofed her home.

The memory brought my attention back to the babbling baby in my arms, and Kamari's questions from that night resurfaced in my mind.

I couldn't be pregnant.. could I?

I turned to where King had been beside me but found his space empty. Instead, I eventually found him setting our belongings down at a table. A familiar light-skinned woman suddenly approached him with a flirty smile, and I rolled my eyes. I watched the scene unfold, King obviously uninterested in whatever she was saying.

I smiled and straightened Kadeem's adorable little suit before making my presence known. King's eyes immediately met mine and he moved around the woman to greet me. I pulled him down into a passionate and open-mouthed kiss, staking my claim confidently. He was more than willing to indulge me, exploring my mouth greedily and completely forgetting our new audience.

I pressed a hand to his chest and faked surprise when my eyes met the jealous orbs of the unnamed woman, "Oh! who's your friend, baby?"

King smirked down at me knowingly, "She's not my friend, ma. She's just one of the girls from the house."

My eyes widened and I looked her over before finally recognizing her. I made sure my gossiping aunties were in earshot before speaking, "That's right! You're the one who always bounces on the boys naked; how could I forget that?"

The woman's eyes narrowed as she quickly realized that my aunts were already weaving my statement into their shady grapevine.

"What's your name?" I asked politely as King's hand slid around my waist.

"Crystal," she said shortly.

"Well, Crystal, I'm Gianna," I narrowed my eyes before stepping closer as I spoke, "and I'd advise you to pick another man to try and hustle, because this one is taken."

"If I don't see a ring, then I don't see the problem," she shot back nastily.

"You won't see much of anything with a bullet through your brain—"

King pulled me back against his chest, "Enough, Gianna."

"Keep your baby momma," she nastily eyed Kadeem, "in check, King."

I handed Kadeem to King before delivering a jab straight to that bitch's eye, "Did you see that, bitch?"

She groaned and I grabbed her by the roots of her hair, pulling her all the way to the exit.

I released her hair, making her fall onto her back pathetically, before bending down to her level, "if I ever see you at the house again, the next wound you'll feel will end up being fatal. Understand?"

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