VIII: No One's the Same Forever

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King didn't take me straight home. The tense and silent ride stopped in front of a house before the initial bend of Kingsley Cove.

I turned to question him, but he only handed over my gun, "Stay here." I accepted it and he left the vehicle without another word.

I watched him approach the house swarming with men dressed in various combinations of all-black clothing and were all armed and eyeing me sourly. I made sure to keep my gun in my lap after locking the doors.

I'm glad he left the keys.

I knew I couldn't just drive off. I had nowhere else to go anyway. My childhood home was around the corner, and King had already found my flat. My closest cousin was also all the way in New York City.

I observed the house after counting the men surrounding it. There was loud music pouring from every open window, and the heavy smell of weed followed heavily. All of the lights downstairs were on, and shadows crossed the windows signaling that the space was packed. I'm pretty sure I saw a pair of naked breasts, so my theory of them all being men went right out of the passenger window. I turned away from the windows and kept my focus on the front door instead, thinking of a possible escape.

I unlocked the doors for King as he approached, and he slammed the door behind him before taking off. He must've noticed me evaluating him before he spoke, "I'm not the same kid I used to be, Gianna. Don't even ask."

"Why did you get into this?" I asked anyway.

He clenched his jaw, "somebody had to take over after pops died. I sure as hell wasn't leaving this to my baby sisters."

"I didn't know you had any sisters," I stated.

He nodded, "Pops kept them hidden, I think he knew what was going on before him and mom got shot."

"So you keep it that way, especially now that another rival is out for blood," I personally understood. "You're protecting your baby sisters."

He gripped the steering wheel and glanced at me knowingly, "That's what family is for. They're the only blood I've got left, you know?"

I smiled a bit, "I get it."

This gave me a small glimmer of hope for him. It was a short exchange, but it really made me wonder what else he was hiding. I weighed grilling him some more before King slowed to a stop behind..

"Is that my car?" I asked before rummaging through my purse to no avail, "Where are my keys—"

"I had your Tag drive your car home," King informed me, stone faced.

As if on queue, the asshole from earlier that day popped out from the driver side.

The man dug whatever he was smoking under his shoe and waved my car keys with a smile, obviously trying to piss me off for disobeying orders earlier.

I huffed and exited the car. I got my belongings from the backseat and furrowed my brow as I found King standing against the driver side door.

He nodded for me to follow, "You don't have the key to the front door anymore, and you gotta get in."

I nodded and cautiously followed him to the back of the house, "How'd you even remember this way?"

He looked back at me after eyeing the broken window, "Aause I helped you break it, Gianna."

"I know," I rolled my eyes, "but it's been so long."

King shrugged, "I remember a lot from back then."

Before all that shit hit the fan..

"So.. how is my short ass supposed to get up there?" I asked, resting my hands on my hips expectantly.

"We throw your bags in first, and then I help you up," he said as if it were the most obvious plan ever.

I huffed but obeyed, passing him my luggage, "Now what?"

He hefted me into his arms and helped me through the window. His hands met the exposed ass peaking from my pajama shorts and I almost went rigid. His rough hands slid down my thighs, making me shiver. All contact stopped as soon as I was inside.

I turned to thank him, but King was already walking away. I tried not to allow my mind linger on it, but the feeling of his rough hands on my soft skin made me smile.

It just felt.. right to me.

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