XX: Ring a Bell

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I awoke again to a familiar ringtone and sat up when I realized it belonged to Georgia's contact. I searched for my phone, ignoring the cold that swept through me after jumping out of bed. I rushed to my purse, which had fallen off of the couch and spilled on the floor, and was bending over to retrieve my phone when a hard slap met my ass. I'd forgotten that I had no underwear on beneath the pajama bottoms, which only multiplied my shock.

I turned and saw a cheeky grin on the culprit's face, "Zion!"

I stood but was pushed back down by him. He yanked the pajama bottoms down to my ankles and spread my legs before his tongue was suddenly exploring my wetness, rendering me useless.

I was barely able to refuse him answering the phone for me, leaving me to receive a wink from him.

His tongue suddenly delved deep, making my knees weaken and turn into jelly.

I heard my aunt's voice and quickly put the phone to my ear as Zion carried me to the bed, "H-hello?"

"Where are you? You didn't come home last night!"

Zion tore the pants off of my ankles and carelessly threw them aside after resting my back on the bed. His hands latched under my knees and brought them to my chest for better access to his previous target.

"I-I.. I had to pick up some work at the office," I struggled to say before moaning at the feel of his tongue inside of me once again.

Zion only went deeper and deeper as I grasped the sheets again, trying to listen to my ranting aunt as an orgasm built in my groin.

"—you be here this morning, everyone's waiting to see you," I was able to catch.

"Yes ma'am, bye!" I said shortly before ending the call. I threw the phone aside in a wisp of near frustration and sat up on my elbows, Please, please, please!"

He fondled my clit before standing, leaving me to mewl as he pulled down his pants and thrusted into me. The pain and pleasure melded together to make me cum within a few powerful thrusts. Zion pulled me up roughly and planted a heated kiss on my mouth as he came soon after my own release.

He pulled up his pants before helping me wrangle my jelly legs into my own pair.

I tried to sit up, but my arms were as jelly as my mind was. I huffed, but couldn't truly find it within myself to be angry.

Zion held me against his chest as he moved my useless body for me, "What'd she want?"

He set me back on the bed as I tried to settle my thoughts.

My eyes widened and I gasped when I suddenly remembered.

"Saul left me the bar."

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