XXVI: No Sir

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The two lines were as clear as day, but I could still barely believe my eyes.

I've been avoiding relationships for this very reason, and here I am.

I slid down the door, too many emotions flowing through me at once. I didn't realize that I was crying until the doorknob jiggled.

I tensed and quickly quieted the sobs that almost hurt.

"Open the door, Gianna," King demanded, his voice mixed with frustration and concern. Knowing King, he'd probably grown frustrated at not knowing what I was doing in the bathroom for so long. The loud crying didn't help my case either. "Let me in."

I found myself speaking, "I'll come out if you go sit on the couch."

He stopped moving the knob, "You sure?"

I smiled at his worried tone, "Promise."

I listened to his retreating footsteps before taking a chain of deep breaths. I stood and fixed my makeup as best as I could before looking myself in the eye.

I came to the scary yet exciting conclusion, "I have to tell him."

Does he even want to have a child?

Does he even want to have a child with me?

King is only just now warming up to Kadeem. What if he doesn't even plan on moving on with our relationship— he never asked me out, so we technically don't even have a relationship—

"I have to tell him," I repeated.

I glanced at the stick in my hand before unlocking the door. I took more deep breaths as I approached the living room. I turned the corner and saw King sitting with a babbling Kadeem beside him. I wondered when he'd taken him from the playpen, but ignored by curiosity in favor of my nerves.

I rounded the couch and King moved to stand, but I held out a hand, "No, stay on the couch for this."

King hesitantly sat down, his eyes not leaving mine until I broke the staring contest.

"Kamari was asking me a bunch of questions that night," my eyes flickered to his again, "about me being pregnant."

King didn't show any reaction, and remained at attentive as before.

I took a deep breath and revealed the stick from behind my back, "So I went and bought one today."

I hesitantly handed it to King, who quickly accepted it. He stared down at for a few seconds as if in shock.

Tears welled in my eyes, "I'm pregnant, Zion."

I began crying again and he set the test aside in favor of embracing me, "Why are you crying, Gianna?"

"I-I know the last thing you probably want is another baby.. especially one with me," I sobbed. "I totally understand.. I understand if you don't want me to be pregnant. W-We're not even in a relationship, and I'm claiming you at funerals and getting pregnant—"

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