benny "the jet" rodriguez

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for UnknownLonerKid <3

"what is she doing here?" a boy with dark hair and brown eyes said harshly, holding a baseball in his left hand and tossing it up and down impatiently.

"what do you mean?" a kid with large glasses said, squinting as he looked at the first boy. "she's good benny don't worry."

"yeah yeah, give her a chance okay?" a tan boy added. i already felt very unwanted, and for some reason, nervous.

"yeah fine whatever" the boy supposedly named 'benny' huffed. what his deal?

"don't worry about him" a more chubbier kid came up to me. "he's a real stiff but once you know him he's a true pal. alright, i'll introduce everyone." he said, and i nodded. "that's benny," he pointed to the boy who was bashing me earlier, "that's bertram" he pointed to a tall skinny kid with glasses, "those are the twins, timmy and tommy" he pointed to two smaller boys, "that's kenny" he pointed to a darker skinned boy, "that's smalls" he pointed to also sort of a smaller kid, "that's yeah-yeah" he pointed to the tan kid from earlier, "that's squints," he pointed to the kid with the big glasses, "and i'm ham" he spit on his hand and stuck it out. i looked at it strangely, because i've ever seen anyone spit on their hand like that before, but i shook it anyways.

"alright let's play ball!" smalls shouted excitedly and everyone scrammed at a position. i was up to hit first, and benny was pitching. he'd probably purposely hit me.

ham was behind the plate, already saying some stupid shit trying to throw me off. "c'mon batter swing batter batter swing" he talked almost like gibberish.

benny wound up, his movements just like the pros, but i was ready. he fired the ball, and by the way it was coming in probably a slider.


i stepped into it, shifting my weight to my back foot and twisting my hips, swinging the bat at the perfect speed to make a great connection. it was a line drive right in between short and third.

i took of running to first rounding to second, and for a second i caught a glimpse of benny's face, which was in complete shock.

i hurried to second and slid, and of course i was safe. "holy shit!" i heard tommy say. "holy shit!" timmy repeated

i got up and dusted off my pants at second base. "she just hit benny's slider!" squints said, giving me a little high-five.

"yeah yeah! and it was perfect and square too!" yeah-yeah jumped with excitement

"she was just lucky ok?" benny said frustrated.

"yeah ok" i said, challenging him. why does he have such a mean attitude? it's probably because i'm a girl or something.

he huffed, rolled his eyes and turned around. the hard thing about this is that he's a very handsome young man.

~two months later~

the games went on, and i was getting more and more expect by the boys. all except benny. i've kind of excepted defeat, but still. i don't know what his deal is.

i was really happy playing baseball with all of them. me and ham grew especially close since we were the only two catchers on the team. i've been told by every team member (besides benny) that i had the third meanest arm on the team, and ever since that day that boosted my confidence.

me and benny would bicker and fight. a lot. i don't know why either, but at the same rate my crush on him as increased drastically, and it's really bad. the only person i've told was ham, which he teases me a lot about it but i didn't mind that much. he told me just to be nice to benny sometime, and maybe we can start getting closer, but every time i try it ends up with me leaving the field frustrated.

tonight was the fourth of july, and me and all the boys have put our money together to buy a shit load of fireworks that we're gonna set off on the field, and honestly i'm very excited.

it was around three or four, and we already started to set up the fireworks so we could just relax and watch them go off at night time.

it was already very hot out, so this night is going to be so relaxing.

a couple hours go by, and it's finally dark out. we get our burgers, hot dogs and just chowed down.

me and ham sat together on the field, in awe at our food and all of the fireworks. i heard footsteps coming towards us but i didn't look up, until ham started to chuckle a little with food in his mouth, and he ended up leaving.

to my surprise benny sat down next to me.

"hey" benny said, and ham started walking away.

"hi?" i said, very confused as all of the pretty sparkling lights went off in front of us.

"i just wanted to apologize..." he said quietly, tugging at the grass on our field.

"for what?" my brows furrowed together and i decided to look at him, and he was already making strong eye contact with me. my stomach got empty and immediately filled with butterflies.

"i've always been kind of a jerk to you" he replied, biting the inside of his cheek a little.

"kind of?" i scoffed a little bit and my eyes widened.

"yeah, i know" he sighed and bit his lip. "but i just wanted to tell you something" an arrangement of color lit on his face from the fireworks

"okay..." i said, sort of confused now, trying to keep my cool. my heart was racing.

"so, i really, really like you (y/n). ever since you stepped on his field, i remember my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach when i saw you. i've never felt like this before, so i didn't know how to cope with it, and i guess it was being a massive douchebag. i'm sorry that i've been acting like this" his cheeks were a dark pink, and i don't think it was from the light of the fireworks.

"benny.." i couldn't help but smile. "benny i like you too." i bit my lip a little, trying to help myself from smiling. "you've never failed to impress me, even after all of our arguments." the fireworks reflected into his eyes, and i couldn't believe what i was about to do next.

i placed my hand on his cheek, and slowly started to move in, closing my eyes along the way. i sensed he was doing the same thing. our lips slowly brushed against each other, and the next thing i knew they were connected. i felt like fireworks were going off inside me instead of the outside.

i pulled away, my hand still on his cheek, and he looked like he wanted more, which made me giggle a little. "maybe later, but i'm pretty sure half of the boys just seen us" i smiled at him and looked at the fireworks.

he huffed a little, like he does usually when i piss him off, but i know he wasn't actually mad

how can this get any better?



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