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"Hi! My name is Park Jimin. I enjoy taking walks outside and watering plants. If you need me to fix your yard I will! I can blossom flowers as well as your love for me. Slide up to get to know me-!"

"Fuck no," Jin said pausing the video.

Jimin gasped offended as he fixed his shirt. "What do you mean? I work at a plant store and love gardening so why can't I include that in my video? And stop using such words. I know your mom taught you to speak better."

"First of all, I can speak however the fuck I want. I'm grown now. Also, I'm trying to help you. Didn't you call me to help you get a date?" Jin asked pushing his glasses closer to his eyes.

"Yeah, I did. I just don't appreciate your rudeness. Just because you're my best friend does not entitle you to be mean." He told crossing his arms across his chest.

"Umm, are you forgetting I'm your only friend? I think that entitles me to be brutally honest with you."

Jimin got up from the chair on his porch and huffed. This was true. Jin was his one and only best friend.

He loved him in many ways, but at times he wanted to push him off the porch. Into the soft grass of course. He couldn't possibly hurt the human he loved most.

"Okay! Okay! I don't see what's wrong with my video. I mean, I'm outside in the nature. The sun is shinning bright. I'm showing my beautiful plants and well mowed yard-"

"Exactly. No one cares about that in a dating app. You do know they're only going to try to fuck you, right?"

Jimin opened his mouth with a red tint spreading on his cheek. Yet again he pulled on his shirt. It was a habit of his when he was nervous or put on the spot.

"You-you don't know that."

"Yes, I do. Are you forgetting I'm twenty-one and am wild as shit? I've had many lovers unlike you, poo." He bragged.

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Making out with Johnny behind the bleachers four years ago during homecoming does not count."

"We didn't just make out! I've already told you what happened, okay? The thing is I have more experience than you."

Jimin sighed plopping back on his chair, "Yeah, I know."

Jin took a seat on the other chair in front of him. He reached over to run his fingers through his hair, "Sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice. You know I can get a bit loud."

"I'm not upset at that. I'm upset at the fact that I thought of that stupid dating app. You are right, they're only going to try to get sex from me. The sad thing is I don't even know about sex like that." He admitted embarrassed.

"Well, I think dating apps are stupid. Plus, there's only fuck boy's there or creeps. Neither of those is a good choice. Why don't you try to talk to the guys here in your neighborhood?"

"Uh, they're all married. In the six months I've lived here no cute guy has tried to even talk to me. Not even at work! I mean I do work at a plant store so mostly old people come to shop. Which isn't bad. I mean, I like old people. They're cute and smell like old books. Well, some do. Others smell like straight up-"

"Alright, alright. I get it. As much as I would love to hear you talk about old people that's not why I'm here. We need to find you a boyfriend."

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