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"What's that?" Vernon asked as soon as he saw Jimin walk in with a box.

"Yuta mailed me cupcakes! They're shipped from another city!" Jimin squealed.

He sighed, "Must be nice."

"Do you want one?" He offered opening up the red box. Each of the cupcakes was a different flavors and had Christmas decorations even though it wasn't Christmas yet.

That was the thing about December. Once Thanksgiving ended the very next day it was considered Christmas.

"That's ridiculous. It's only the fifth! Why's there music playing and everything is like Santa Claus and shit. But I'll gladly take that red velvet cupcake." He said.

"At least we're in December now. It's excusable to do Christmas things." Jimin told carefully picking up the cupcake.

Then he handed it to him who instantly started devouring it. Taehyung chuckled from the corner. "What?" He mumbled with a mouthful.

"You just seem like the grinch right now." He said with a teasing smile.

Vernon frowned, "It's the fucking santa shit hat isn't it?"

Their manager had forced the employees to wear the Santa hats to show the "Christmas spirit".

None of them minded except Vernon who was clearly not thrilled at all. "I think it looks lovely. Do you want one Tae?" Jimin asked.

He hummed walking over. As much as he hated eating so much junk food he couldn't say no to it.

Dating Jungkook had made him a food junkie. He was literally over fed all the time. Jungkook just loved to spoil him.

"Yes please. Can I have that vanilla one with the Santa beard?"

"Sure can."

Taehyung started eating it as soon as he got it enjoying every bite. "Is this really shipped from another place?"

"Yes. Yuta and I went on a small road trip after the amusement park thing. We stopped at this shop and I fell in love with the cupcakes. It's like five hours away from here. He got them shipped. Isn't that sweet?"

"That's very sweet. So are you two...?" Taehyung wondered.

"Well...we've been on a few dates. We're still getting to know each other." Jimin shyly responded.

"What? Haven't you two been talking for like three months?" Vernon asked.

Taehyung gave him a look and then turned to Jimin. "What Vernon is trying to say is that we assumed you two were official."

"I mean if you want to put it that way." Vernon shrugged.

"It's complicated." Jimin admitted.

"What did he do? Is he trying to push things too far? I will karate chop his throat." Vernon instantly said.

"He would. And I would too." Taehyung said agreeing.

Jimin laughed, "You guys are so silly. It's just uhh...I don't think we're ready for a relationship. Actually, I don't think I'm ready for one."

He looked down at the cupcakes and swallowed hard. How embarrassing to admit that his heart still belong to Min Yoongi.

Yuta was patient enough with him. Moving on took time. It was something you couldn't just do from one day to another.

He had seen Yoongi around and spoken to him a few times. By that he simply meant waving from a distance. No actual words were said.

Only a few awkward smiles were exchanged.

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