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"Are you sure you don't want to come over?" Jimin whispered through the phone.

"No. I don't like that Namjoon dude. He's hot and annoying and you know what? That's exactly how all my ex's have been. It means I should stay away."

"But it's going to be fun." He said trying to convince him.

"No, no. You go have fun. If Yoongi's mean though I will pull up and smack a bitch if I have to."

"Oh, the things you say. Silly. He's not mean on purpose, okay? He's just a little-"


"No, no. Don't say things like that. It's a bad word."

"I'm just saying what you're too afraid to say."

"Please come over!"

"I really can't though. I have a fucking quiz due at midnight. If I don't turn it in I get a zero. I'm already at the verge of failing the class."

"Ahh. Fine. Fine."


"Yes?" He whispered back.

"Are you hiding behind Yoongi's bush?"

"What? No!" He replied quickly. In reality, he was. He had been out there for about fifteen minutes and just couldn't find the way to walk in.

Like what would he say? How would he introduced himself? He was always so awkward around people and he hated walking in alone.

"Yes you are. I know you. That's why you're whispering. Go in and don't be afraid. You look handsome and you won't be able to impress Yoongi if you hide behind the bush. Plus, that's creepy. Another neighbor might see you and call the cops."

"Okay, okay. I'm coming out of the bush." He sighed getting up.

"Good. Now if you excuse me I have to got to quizlet and find these answers for the quiz. If you need me I'm a phone call away."

"Okay. Bye I love you."

"Me too. Bye-"

"No you have to say it back! Or else it doesn't count!"

"I love you too. Stop making excuses to not hang up the phone. Adios!" He exclaimed and quickly hung up.

Jimin sighed again and put his phone back in his pocket. His hands were sweating and his tummy was upset. If he just had a little self confidence it wouldn't be so bad.

"Jimin! You're here for the movie too?" Dahyun asked approaching the entrance. Jimin turned around confused.

She had a bag of sweets and had the prettiest smile. "Oh. Hey and yes I am." He replied quietly. It was obvious she would be invited too. Duh.

"Come on. Let's go in together."

"We had to bring something?" Jimin asked looking down at her bag.

"Oh no. I just brought something just because."

Jimin stepped back suddenly not wanting to go in. What was he thinking? He couldn't bare another night of seeing them two bond while he was in the same room.

That was a terrible idea.

"I better go get something-" he said trying to find an excuse to not go in.

"It's okay. We can tell him the sweets are from the both of us. Don't worry."

Why was she so nice? It only made it harder for him.

"I uhh..."

"Come on."

Jimin simply nodded and followed her behind as she knocked on the door. Yoongi opened up a few seconds later and he cleared his throat when he saw them both.

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