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"Are you sure you're okay with staying? I don't mind driving back." Yuta insisted.

He didn't want to push Jimin and make it weird. They were just getting to know each other and he didn't want to rush things.

The typical Jimin would've said to drive back. But he was so sick from the rides and tired from walking. He didn't feel like being in a car for hours.

"You said the room had two beds, right?" He asked.

"Yes of course. It was never my intention seem like a perv or something."

"Okay. Then we can stay. It shouldn't be a problem."

"Alright. Cool. The hotel is like two minutes from here. That's the main reason I booked it. I always do when I come over."

"Ahh. Yes. That's good. I don't think my tummy can take being in the car that long."

"I hope you enjoyed the day today and that Yoongi didn't ruin your day."

"No, no. It was a good day. I had lots of fun. It was nice getting out of the same routine."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Look! There it is!"

"Good. I'm tired. My feet are throbbing!"

"Mine too! My lazy ass isn't used to all this walking. How's your tummy now?"

"Feels better. Those salty crackers I brought helped with the nausea."

"Awesome. Shit. Of course it'll be packed. We have to walk to the entrance." He sighed annoyed.

"It's fine. Don't worry." They got off and each gathered their bags walking towards the hotel.

"Welcome! Do you have a reservation?

"Yes sir. Under the last name Nakamoto."

"Can I see an ID?"

"Sure can. I've already paid over the phone."

"I see that. Your room will be on the fourth floor and it's number 257. It's a double bed smoke free room. If you have any further questions call us and let us know."

"Thank you!" Yuta responded taking the keys.

"Hey. I can pay you back. We-we can split the cost. I don't want you to feel like you have to pay for everything." Jimin said embarrassed.

"This was my birthday present for you. It would be kind of shitty of me to charge you don't you think?"

They started walking to the elevator. "I still feel bad about it though. I really don't think it's fair you're paying for everything."

"You paid for our breakfast and lunch. I think that's fair enough. You also gave me some gas money. It's no problem. I swear."

"Well thank you."

Yuta grinned pressing the the button. His smile suddenly vanished once the elevator opened up.

Of fucking course Min Yoongi was here.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. Yoongi thought annoyed. Why were they spending the night at the hotel? What were they going to do?

Jimin held his breath meeting eyes with him. The vertigo he had been feeling suddenly returned.

His palms were so sweaty and his heart. His heart felt like it was exploding right out of his chest.

"Excuse me? Are you getting on?" A person behind them asked.

This snapped all of them back to reality. Yoongi quickly walked out and they stepped in.

The other person stepped in as well. Yuta pressed a button to the fourth floor and leaned back taking a deep breath.

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