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"This place is so cool." Jimin gushed looking around.

"It's one of my favorite amusement parks. I come here with my friends quite often." He laughed.

"I'm actually scared of roller coasters." Jimin admitted.

"Some of them are scary. They're really fun though! Do you think your motion sickness pill has taken effect now?" Yuta wondered. Jimin was the cutest boy.

They had stopped earlier that morning to eat breakfast. After they were done eating he made sure to take the first dose of medicine.

His weak stomach could only handle but so much. Even when he went to local fairs with Jin he had to take something otherwise he wouldn't last at all.

"I think so. I hope so."

"We can walk around a bit if you want. Just to be on the safe side."

"Ooh yes! I'd like that. Maybe we can plan our rides. Well, I don't know. If you want to of course."

"No way. You do that too? When I come here I like to make a ride schedule in my mind. I literally have to if I don't it'll drive me crazy."

"We're so alike!" Jimin giggled happy. He hadn't been this excited about something in weeks.

Two months ago Yoongi and him had ended their relationship. If you could even call it that.

He didn't think there would come a day when he didn't think of Yoongi every second. Today happened to be a good day.

Yoongi had only crossed his mind a few times. Three times to be exact. It was better than the hundreds of sleepless nights he spent thinking of what he could've done differently.

He use to love to sleep and dream. His dreams had always been beautifully vivid. That soon became a curse when he started having awful nightmares.

Nightmares about losing Yoongi.

"We really are. I'm so glad we met that night at the party."

"Me too." He smiled.

"Do you want something to drink? Eat?"

"Oh no. I'm good. I don't want to overeat and then get sick. I also don't want to be drinking a lot. If you haven't noticed I have a small bladder." He blushed.

Yuta had to stop about four times on the way there for him to pee. He even tried to not drink as much liquids. The hot chocolate was simply too delicious he had to finish it all.

"I've noticed. It's okay though. Don't even worry about it."

Jimin nodded rubbing his arms. It was a bit chilly. Not too cold, but the weather definitely gave him shivers. Every now and then a cold breeze would hit them.

"Do you want my jacket?" He asked ready to take it off.

"No thank you. After we start walking and moving around it'll go away."

"I like coming during the cold weather because it's not as busy as the summer. Plus, I can't stand being outside when it's that hot. I hate sweating." He said disgusted.

"Agreed. I use to run a lot during the summer."

"What? Run for what? Who was forcing you?" Yuta asked concerned.

"Myself." Jimin told shaking his head.

"Ooh. That's some torturing shit."

"Right! I did enjoy it though. It took my mind off things."

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