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"Just one time. Look surprised." Jungkook said.

Taehyung took a deep breath leaning on the swing set. "I don't think I can, Kook. The cringe is too much for my body. I will faint. I swear."

"You can do it baby. I believe in you. Do it for the TikTok."

"You can't post it though. If Hoseok sees it he will flip shit. Especially after we talked so much shit."

"Don't worry. It's for my drafts only. I won't use it unless you piss me off."

Taehyung raised both eyebrows. Jungkook grinned, "Kidding boo."

"Fine. Fine. But after this you need to take me to work okay? Can't be late again."

"Okay love."

Taehyung sighed getting himself together. He couldn't believe he was making a TikTok with Jungkook at a public park.

"Okay so what are we suppose to do?"

Jungkook set his phone down in the corner, "So I come up behind you and kiss you. You gotta be all surprised and shit but kiss back."

"What's the point of this again?"

"This is the 'I kissed my best friend and this is what happened' TikTok. They're obviously all staged, but kind of cute."

Taehyung gagged, "More like cringe worthy."

Jungkook smirked, "Do you always gag? You just wait."

"Alright now we're in a public place. Don't start shit you can't finish."

Jungkook pulled him by his waist, "Oh I can finish it."

He blushed deeply clearing his throat, "Ooh you better stop,"

"We will finish this later then. Now for the video let me sneak up behind you okay? Take one." He quickly ran out of the camera view and Taehyung laughed. He was so cute.

"Okay. Ready?"


Jungkook ran up behind him and turned him around kissing his lips. "Was I surprised enough?" Taehyung whispered against his lips.

"Not enough. I think we need a re-do."

"Let's go then."

Once again Jungkook ran off to him and pulled him in for a kiss. "Better?" He asked when they stopped the kiss.

Jungkook shook his head, "Nope. Re-do."

Taehyung smiled in between the kiss, "I'm pretty sure you're just bullshitting now."


"Alright I really got to go to work now."

"Let's go then. Although I'd rather just stand here and make out with you."

Taehyung chuckled, "Yeah I bet so. Let's go TikToker."


"Are you sure you'll be okay? You can always call in sick." Jin insisted.

"No, I'm already here. I will be okay. I like to come to work. It helps me distract myself." Jimin smiled.

He nodded his head unsure. Jimin could put up a good act. He pretended everything was okay and that he was okay even when he wasn't.

Jin didn't want to push him too much. He would talk more when he was ready. All he needed was time.

Of course after the talk with Yoongi he told Jin all about it. But ever since then he hadn't brought it back up.

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