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"I-I'm okay." Jimin whispered sniffling.

The blonde guy titled his head and reached into his plastic bag. It looked like gummy bears from where Jimin was sitting.

"You don't look so good." He softly said.

Jimin wiped his tears embarrassed. "Well, I didn't sleep very good last night. That's why there's dark circles under my eyes."

The boy smiled shaking his head, "No. I meant that you don't look emotionally good. You're clearly upset. Did your friend abandon you?"

"No, actually I'm the one that abandoned him," Jimin could feel himself get emotional again. This night had been so insane. He just wanted to go home.


He nodded as fat tears streamed down his face, "Yeah. I don't know. He could be lost somewhere because he doesn't have his glasses. I'm a terrible friend. I left him for someone that left me too."

"It's okay. I don't think your friend minds that you left him."

"How would you know?"

"Well, I just saw him make out with Namjoon in his car. I'm pretty sure he's okay. That's why I asked if he had left you."

"What? Really?" He asked a bit shocked. This made him feel a little better. Jin was finally getting what he deserved.

"Mhmm. I pinky swear."

"You do that too?" He asked sheepishly.

"Sure do. My name is Yuta. And yours?"

"I'm Jimin." He responded. "Nice to meet you, Jimin."

He sighed once again wiping his tears only this time with his shirt. "Can you stay Yuta? I'm lonely."

He raised his eyebrows, "What kind of company do you need?"

"I just need to distract myself." Jimin told.

"Oh, okay, here? Right now?"

"Yes. Right here. Right now."

Yuta shrugged reaching to unbuckle his pants. "Whoa! No! I mean just company as a friend." Jimin quickly said paranoid.

"Oh, shit. I can do that too. Sorry. I misunderstood." He said pulling away from his pants. He seemed extremely relaxed at the moment. Jimin wish he felt like that too.

"Do you want to go back inside? They have some really good homemade dip. I hid a whole container from the crowd."

"No, I want to stay out here. You can sit next to me. It's some random persons car. They won't even know."

He grinned, "This happens to be my car. Why do you think I approached you?"

Jimin scoot away from the vehicle, "I-I'm sorry. It was the first car I saw."

Yuta took a seat next to him, "Don't worry it's fine. And hey, whatever you're crying about maybe won't be as bad after you sleep on it. I hope so anyways."

"Thanks. I hope so too." He pouted looking down at his lap.

Yuta reached into his plastic bag once again and pulled out a gummy to eat. He noticed Jimin looking.

"I would offer you one, but you don't look like the person that eats them."

"Why not? I love them." He said.

"For real?"

"Yes. I eat them all the time."

He looked at the bag and then at him, "Do you want one?"

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