Pansy Knows Best

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Hermione woke the next morning to someone jumping on the bed next to her. When she looked up from the many pillows she nestled herself into throughout the night, she saw a very happy dark haired Slytherin smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

"Pansy? What are you doing here?" she asked through her yawn. 

"I'm here to help you get ready for your date with our Draky." Pansy wiggled with excitement.

Hermione giggled, "Draky?"

Pansy giggled along with the sleepy Gryffindor, "Yes, and please call him that, he hates it! Now get up, we have to find you the perfect outfit!" 

Hermione looked around the large room, "Pansy, what time is it?" 

"Seven thirty." she said innocently before she rolled off the bed. 

Hermione sat up and stared at the raven-haired girl with wide eyes, "Then why are you in such a hurry? Draco and I never set a time but I'm sure it won't be for a while." 

"Exactly, he'll send an owl when he wakes to set a time, then you'll reply, and he'll come running like a happy child on Christmas day because he finally gets a chance with you." Pansy sat at the table they used the night before to pour some tea, "You don't have much here for clothes so we should head to my place so you can borrow something of mine. Do you take anything in your tea?"

"Just cream. I have so many questions." Hermione said from her spot on the bed. 

"Well of course, you're the bookworm princess of house Gryffindor. Get your arse out of that bed and I will answer every question you come up with." Pansy smirked as she added cream to both cups. 

Hermione threw back the covers before stretching her sore muscles and joining Pansy at the table. "First off, please tell me you're the only one who's ever called me the bookworm princess of house Gryffindor because you just came up with it."

Pansy laughed, "Nope, just about everyone calls you that behind your back, Slytherin's do it ironically or mockingly of course but it is very common." she chuckled into her teacup. 

Hermione groaned, "Why?"

"Because everyone, minus some snobby purebloods, love you. Old Gryffindors are proud to have been in the same house you were, even if it was years before. The ones you went to school with are honored to know you and young kids are hoping to be in the same one you were. Other houses admired how you were always willing to help people regardless of what house they were in or what kind of family they came from. You always stood up for what's right and it gave people hope. It's a good thing sweetheart." 

Hermione rubbed her temples as she listened to Pansy's explanation. "Well, I guess I can understand that, even if it's a terrible nickname." she took a deep breath and looked to her tea again, "Moving on, how did you even know about our walk?" 

"Blaise owled me last night. Him, Narcissa and Jean eavesdropped from the hall until Draco joined them." Pansy took a sip of her tea when she finished speaking. 

Hermione set her own cup down, "Why?"

Pansy rolled her eyes, "I told you, Draco's finally getting his chance with you. Everyone's excited for him."

"You know about his little crush then?" Hermione blushed and looked down at her tea. 

"Little?" Pansy burst into a fit of laughter again, "Hermione, it was a 'little' crush in first year. The more he got to know you the deeper his feelings got, then in third year when you punched him in the face, he became practically obsessed with you. Around everyone but Blaise and I you were the bitch mudblood who had the audacity to touch him or to speak in his presence, but to us he went on and on about how fierce and strong and passionate you were. Then in fourth year, all he could talk about was how beautiful you were at the yule ball and how he should have been the one you were dancing with all night instead of Viktor Krum." Pansy smiled and took another sip of tea.

"So this is more than just a walk in a garden for him isn't it?" Hermione felt her stomach flutter and she couldn't decide if it was from nerves or excitement. 

Pansy smirked, "The boys courting you babe." she winked and her smirk deepened. 

"I don't know what that means? Is it like dating?" 

"Yes, that's exactly what it is, courtings just a better word for it." Pansy eyed the smile Hermione had.

Hermione took a deep breath as she finished her tea, "Alright, you win."

Pansy's smirk turned into a look of confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You can choose what I wear and help me get ready. I don't have much knowledge or experience on dating or courting or what ever but I want to do it right so I'm gonna need your help." Hermione started to regret her decision as soon as she saw Pansy's face light up like a Weasley Wizarding Firework. 

"Good! Now let's get going!" Pansy jumped up and pulled Hermione from her chair before apparating them straight into Pansy's enormous walk in closet. 

Looking around, Hermione felt her eyes get wide and her jaw dropped. The closet they stood in was as big as Hermione's childhood bedroom; every wall was covered in clothes and shoes in every style and color Hermione could think of. In every corner stood antique stand-alone mirrors and in the middle of the room sat a beautiful cream colored tufted bench. 

Pansy watched as Hermione's eyes looked at every inch of the wonderful room and smiled at her new friend. She couldn't wait to spend hours shopping with Hermione.  "Do you have an idea of what you want to wear?"

Hermione slowly shook her head as she looked at the wall of shoes. "That's your call remember." she paused before adding, "I prefer something long sleeved though"

"I can do that," Pansy clapped her hands together, "I was thinking a dress and some heels but your walking through the garden so heels just won't do. Wedges will look great though." Pansy walked over to a wall covered with short sundresses. Hermione walked to the opposite wall and ran her hand across the evening gowns that caught her eye. 

"How's this?" Pansy asked as she held up a plum colored dress and some three-inch wedges in the same color. 

"Sure!" Hermione smiled at the color, glad she didn't choose anything to Slytherin like Blaise did when she slept over. 

Once Hermione had the outfit on, she looked in one of the many mirrors and smiled at her appearance. The dress fit her perfectly, which was unbelievable until Hermione noticed Pansy putting her wand away in the mirror. 

"Pansy it's perfect! I never would have thought about using magic to make something fit" both girls started laughing at that. 

Pansy walked over and handed Hermione the matching wedges, "Put these on too, they'll make your legs look amazing!" 

As Hermione slipped the wedges on her feet, there was a soft knock on the door, "Hermione, it's good to see you again." Both girls turned to see Rosile Parkinson standing in the open doorway. 

"Good morning Mrs. Parkinson." Hermione said with a small but genuine smile. 

"Please dear, call me Rosile." The older witch smiled back before continuing, "Breakfast will be served in twenty minutes and an owl dropped this off for you a moment ago." Rosile set the letter down on the bench between them and left the room without another word.

*the dress Hermione borrows from Pansy*

*the dress Hermione borrows from Pansy*

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