Shes Not Slytherin

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When Hermione and Blaise arrived in the Zabini sitting room, they were surprised to find their mother hosting tea for the Malfoys and Parkinsons.

"Hello my darlings, how was your visit?" Jean asked her children as they dusted themselves off.

Hermione smiled, "It was really good actually."

"The hat seen right past the spells placed on Hermione and refused to put her in Slytherin." Bliase said as he dramatically threw himself into a couch.

"Why would he re-sort her? She's not eleven anymore." Pansy said with a poorly hidden chuckle.

Blaise threw his hands in the air, "Well I know that Pansy!" he said with an eyeroll, "But she never belonged in Gryffindor and apparently she never belonged in Slytherin either!"

"I feel like we missed something here." Lucius said looking between twins.

"I couldnt be in Slytherin because my cover was a muggle born and I couldnt go anywhere other than Gryffindor because Harry needed me to defeat Voldemort and win the war."

Phillip felt his eyebrows raise, "The hat knew the outcome of the war?"

"Apparently." Hermione said with a shrug.

Draco smirked, "I always knew you should have been in Ravenclaw."

"Well obviously," Pansy said with an eyeroll, "Her IQ was like a hundred points above the rest of the Gryffindorks." she smirked.

"So you were actually resorted?" Phillip asked.

Hermione nodded her head, "Yeah, he said Ravenclaw was the house I belonged in when I was eleven and still is now."

Rosily raised an eyebrow, "But your a Zabini. Slytherin is in your blood."

"He doesnt sort students based on their families, he does it based on who they are as a person." Blaise drawled in an annoyed tone.

"Why are you so upset over this mate?" Draco asked his best friend.

"Because she's my sister, my twin sister, my younger, twin sister." He practically shouted, "She should have been in Slytherin with me, that's always how I imagined it when I was younger and now thats all come crashing down!"

Hermione looked to her mother quick and gave an assuring smile before she walked over to where her brother sat, grabbed his arm and apparated them away from their home. When they got to the small park Hermione invisioned, she moved her hand from his arm to his hand and gently pulled him over to the swings.

When they sat down, Blaise looked around and then caught his sisters gaze, "What are we doing here?"

"This is the park Narcissa apparated to the day we were born. That blue house over there," she pointed to the house she grew up in, "Is where she handed me over to my adoptive mother." she took a deep breath, "And that swing your sitting on, is the one I would sit on and think about what my brother would have been like if I had one."

"You did that?" he whispered.

Hermione nodded her head, "More times than I can count." she smiled, "I was a lonely kid, obviously my parents never had any kids of their own and I didn't have many friends so I spent a lot of time here by myself. I never knew why I never imagined having a sister but now that I know I really do have a brother, it makes sense. I think some part of me always knew, even though we were only together for like three minutes."

Blaise smiled back, "I always knew I had a sister, I clearly didnt know who you were but I knew you were out there somewhere and I spent most of my childhood wondering what you were doing or where you were living. I thought about if you had any siblings or pets or if you liked your parents and if they were good to you."

"I always wondered if you'd be nice to me and stand up to the bullies when they pulled my hair or threw my books. Or if we'd be like the siblings that grew up two blocks from here, they were terrible to one another and fought all the time." Hermione giggled.

"I would have been the brother that picked on you but then beat up anyone else to tried to do the same." Blaise winked at his sister when she burst out laughing right before him.

"We probably would have made up our own language that no one else knew so we could share secrets in front of others."

Blaise smiled and looked back to the house Hermione grew up in, "We still could you know. I'm sure it wouldn't be to hard."

Hermione perked up, "I actually want to teach you sign language!"

"What's that?" Blaise asked as he looked back to his slightly younger sister.

"It's how deaf muggles communicate." she said as she got off the swing to sit on the grass in front of him and crossed her legs, "They use their hands and fingers to speak for them. We'll start with the alphabet and then names and then go from there if you want."

Blaise looked down to where his sister sat like a child and smiled a genuine smile of pure joy, "I would love that little sister." he said before joining her in the grass. "Did you teach anyone else how to do this?" he asked hoping she'd say no.

"I thought about teaching it to Harry and Ron but they never wanted to learn because if it came down to it we could just use magic to read one another's minds." She said in an annoyed eyeroll.

"Good," Blaise declared, "I like that this will be just ours." he smiled.

"So where do you think your children ran off to?" Rosily asked as she sipped her tea, moments after the twins apparated off.

Jean shrugged, "It's hard to say with Hermione being the one who did the apparating."

"Well if anyone can calm him down it'll be her." Pansy said as she bit into her pastry.

"What makes you say that?" Phillip asked looking at his daughter.

Pansy looked to Draco to answer while she ate, "Blaise has always, always thought about who his sister would be and over time she became a touchy subject for him." Draco finished as Pansy swallowed her mouthful.

"And over the years he's created this image of who she would be in his head. Finding out he was wrong cant be easy on the guy." The raven haired witch finished.

Jean felt a sad smile cover her face, "That's understandable, I'd be lying if I said I didn't do the same."

"Well of course!" Narcissa said with a smile, "Salazar knows Lucius and I must have spent countless hours leaning over the edge of Draco's crib watching him sleep and thinking about the man he'd grow up to be. It's natural for parents to do so." she assured her best friend.

Draco gave his mom a weird look, "That's not super creepy."

Lucius laughed at his sons response, "Just you wait son, one day you will do the same to your children." All the parents in the room nodded in agreement to the wizards statement.

"They'll be okay Jean, and I'm sure when they come back he'll be in a much better mood." Pansy said kindly to the older witch sitting across from her.

"Your all sweet for trying to raise my spirits, but to be honest, as long as they're together, I'm not worried in the slightest." Jean reassured everyone. "Now, where were we before my children's grand entrance?"

"I had just brought up your birthday!" Pansy squealed with excitement.

Draco laughed at one of his oldest friends, "Pans, I think you get more excited over other people's birthdays than you do your own."

"She definitely doesn't enjoy it like her sisters do." Phillip muttered to Lucius before taking a sip of his firewhisky which made both wizards chuckle.

"I don't want to do anything big this year," Jean spoke thoughtfully, "I think just a nice dinner with everyone here and then a quiet night in with my kids."

Narcissa smirked, "First one with both twins, you excited?"

Jean nodded her head, "I am, and I think this may just be my best birthday yet."

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