Malfoys In The Order

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"Hermione no!" Bill yelled for the umpteenth time since he got to Zabini Manor, "Please just do this my way."

Hermione rubbed her temples, "Bill I know I'm right on this!"

"Okay." Bill paused when Hermione's head shot up and she finally looked at him again, "But, Harry and I are going back with you and Lucius."

Hermione's eye grew, "Four people is seriously pushing it and you know it!"

"Then Harry stays, and I'll go with you two," Bill said not moving his eyes from the young witch in front of him.

"Deal." Hermione said quickly, "Draco can you get your parents?" Not wanting to argue, Draco silently left for the floo.

"Wait, why am I the one to stay?" Harry asked.

Hermione and Bill both had reasons for leaving Harry behind but neither wanted to be the one to tell him so they ignored him. "When the Malfoys get here, we'll swear them in, explain the plan and then go."

Hermione nodded in agreement with Bill's plan, "Then when we get back here Narcissa, Jean and I will start getting the house ready to be used."

"Hey!" Harry yelled, drawing everyone's attention to himself. "Why am I the one to stay behind?"

Hermione took a deep breath, "Harry, it's nothing against you."

"We're going to wait at the house for the fire starter," Bill spoke softly.

"Well, then I should go to help you catch him!" Harry started pacing.

"We aren't going to catch him Harry, were going to watch him do it and then deal with him later. The house needs to actually burn down."

Harry threw his hands in the air quickly, "Why? and why do you say that like we don't know who it is?"

Bill opened his mouth to answer but Hermione cut him off, "Harry, your willingness to accept what Ron told you is why you can't come."

"So you don't trust Ron now!" his question came out as an angry statement.

"Harry calm down," Bill said in a surprisingly calming voice, "It's not that we don't trust him, we just think it's suspicious that Ron happened to be there at the perfect time to see who did it but nothing to catch him or prevent the fire from completely damaging the house."

"Not to mention the fact that he didn't tell us about it until after you knew where I was. Why didn't he send a patronus to give us a heads up? Why didn't he chase the arsonist? Why didn't he put the fire out?" Hermione took a breath, "You know we're logical thinkers and we're people who need all the facts."

Bill nodded in agreement, "There are more questions than answers and it just doesn't sit well with us."

Ginny bit her lip as she watched her family argue: on one hand she wanted to defend Ron with Harry, one was her closest brother and the other was her love. She knew Ron wasn't the best person but he loved Hermione and wouldn't lie about something so important. On the other hand, however, Bill and Hermione were two of the smartest people she knew. They were just and honest and as they said, they just wanted the facts.

"Well I still don't like this," Harry grunted on his way back to Ginny.

"The part where you're getting left behind or the part about us not taking Ron's word like you?" Hermione asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Harry glared at the curly-haired witch in front of him, "Both! Ron is a crucial part of our trio, Hermione! We couldn't have defeated Voldemort without him and I think he deserves some credit for that!"

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