Granger Home Tour Pt. 1

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Hermione arranged for Narcissa and Jean to meet her, in her house at 10 am sharp. When she got home, Hermione owled Harry as promised, but left out their plans. She knew he was trying, and she loved the way him and the Weasley's had behaved at the Zabini manor but she didn't think they would let her go alone. 

Without waiting for Harry's reply, Hermione undressed and crawled into her childhood twin bed and fell asleep. 


When Hermione's alarm went off, she left her room and went in to the bathroom just to find a lack of towels, 'Well I wont be showering.' she thought to herself with an eye roll. After brushing her teeth, Hermione pulled her hair into a messy bun and walked back to her room to get dressed. 

Her closet wasn't very big and everything in it seemed wrong for shopping with the two women she was meeting. Settling on a Gryffindor red hoodie and some black jeans, Hermione sat down at her desk and started making a list of all the things she would need for her house. 

When the alarm telling Hermione her guests would be arriving soon went off, she picked up her list and went down to the living room to wait. A loud cracking noise rippled through the room and when Hermione turned around she smiled at Narcissa and Jean who were smiling back at her. 

"Hello darling." Narcissa spoke first. 

"Good morning," Hermione smiled back, "So I was thinking about the best way to do this and I think we should just get the little things that I need today and then we can do all the big stuff another time."

Jean looked around while Hermione spoke, "Are you sure dear? We would be happy to get everything today, you do need furniture after all."

Narcissa nodded in agreement with her friend, "What did you have in mind for today?"

"Well just little things, dishes, towels, stuff like that." Hermione looked down at her feet, embarrassed by how little she had. 

"Okay, well lets get that first and then if your up for it we can start looking at some bigger things as well. Do you mind if we get a little tour to see what were working with?" Jean asked with a kind tone to her voice. 

"Of course." Hermione tried to sound positive but showing them her empty house make her stomach turn. "Well this is the living room, behind you is the entrance to the family room," as she gestured to the door behind them, Narcissa and Jean turned and walked into the large family room. 

The walls were painted white and had white floating shelves lining them evenly. "Were these all filled with books?" Jean asked looking around. 

"Mostly, we also had lots of board games, pictures and little trinkets mixed in. This small wall here was filled with books on dentistry, my parents profession, and this one here was full of my magic books." Hermione pointed to the half walls separating the family room from the nook. " They would add my school books to the wall after I came home every summer and while I was at school they would go to Diagon Alley to get books for me to read during the summer and winter holidays." She smiled at the memory. 

"What happened to the magic books when you obliviated them?" Narcissa asked in a quiet voice. 

"I moved them to my room so they would be here when I got home. I guess they can come back down now." Hermione took out her wand, "Accio books on magic from my room." After a few seconds, almost sixty books flew into the room and settled themselves on the shelves Hermione pointed her wand at. 

"I must say, I'm impressed. Not only with your magical skills but also with your book collection." Jean said moving in to read the titles of some of the books. 

Hermione blushes, "Every time I would write home telling my parents about a new magical creature I learned about or a new type of magic I was studying they would go get a book on it. They'd both read the ones on the creatures so we could discuss it when I got back." 

"They sound wonderful. Although I wish I could have raised you myself, I am glad you got such amazing muggles." Jean smiled at Hermione. "What did you want to fill this room other than books?" 

"Well," Hermione thought back to how the room looked before, "I would like a low table, so people can sit and play games. And really comfy couches and chairs. I want this room to be as cozy as possible." 

"We should swing by the manors so you can see some of the rooms we have set up and maybe get some inspiration. Jean has the best sitting room I have ever been in, the second you walk in you just feel relaxed." Narcissa said, walking into the nook, "What was this room?"

"This was the nook." 

"The what?" Jean and Narcissa asked together. 

"The nook, it's basically a small dining room for when its just the family having an informal meal. Do neither of you have one?" Hermione bit her lip, hoping she didn't offend them. 

"No but I will definitely be speaking to Lucius about adding one. This sounds so intimate and wonderful!" Jean nodded her head in agreement with Narcissa's words. 

Hermione smiled, "We usually ate in here. The dining room didn't get used unless we had company, or it was a holiday. I'll show you the kitchen and then the dining room right after." After looking at the empty kitchen and dining room, the three women ended up in the foyer. 

"You know Hermione, I was worried when I heard you would be living in a house all by yourself, but this really is a lovely home. It's similar to the one I wanted you and Blaise to grow up in before your father bought the manor. I never wanted a massive home but now that I've been in it for so many years, I don't think I could leave it. I'm glad at least one of my kids got to grow up like this. Even if it wasn't with me." 

All three women had to blink back tears at Jeans words and Hermione couldn't help but think about how different her life would have been if she would have grown up with the Zabinis instead of the Grangers. Hermione wiped her eyes, cleared her throat and looked up the stairs, "Shall we continue?"

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