The Twins Surprise

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As Hermione's rendition of Beethoven's Moonlight came to an end, she looked up and seen every set of eyes focused on her and the piano, even the band who had walked on to the balcony for some fresh air had come back to listen.

The young witch only paused for a moment at the end of the song before she winked at Blaise, who now stood backstage, and started in on Howl's Moving Castle. As she started to play, Blaise picked up his violin to join her in the duet.

Jean who had watery eyes from Hermione's first performance was now full on crying tears of joy as she watched her darling twins play together for the first time.

"Did you know they were going to do this?" Narcissa asked her best friend excitedly. "I didn't even know she could play!"

Jean wiped her eyes and shook her head slightly, "I knew she could play but I had no idea they intended to play together for everyone here tonight."

"You have extraordinary children Mrs. Zabini." Lucius said with a genuine smile, "I don't think a single child has been able to surprise or impress me as much as Hermione has since returning home."

Jean smiled at her friends and nodded in agreement as she watched Blaise and Hermione perform what was her new favorite song. As the song winded down, Jean expected her children to hand the stage back over to the band but was pleasantly surprised to see Blaise lean in and whisper to Hermione who nodded her head in response to what he said to her and began playing a third song for the room.

The Zabini twins performed a perfect cover of River Flows in You and not one person in the room, even Antonin Dolohov, was able to take their eyes off the gifted duo while on stage. As their song finished, Blaise set his violin down and held out his hand for his sister to take while she got up. Together they walked to the front of the stage and bowed to the applauding guests.

Draco was the first to greet the twins as they rejoined the crowd, "That was amazing love, I had no idea you could play like that!" He said before kissing Hermione's forehead and then turning to Blaise, "Best idea ever mate."

"You both played beautifully." a dreamy, soft voice said from behind Blaise.

"Luna!" Hermione called before pulling the blonde girl into a hug, "It's been ages!"

Luna hugged the curly haired witch back just as tightly as she was being hugged, "It has, but wonderful to see you now."

Hermione pulled away and smiled, "Do you know Blaise and Draco?"

"Not really," Luna sang in her airy voice, "Lovely to see you both again though."

"The pleasure is mine Miss Lovegood." Blaise said as he looked deep into the young witches bright blue eyes, "Might I have this next dance?"

Luna's ever present smile widened as she took Blaise's hand and went with him to the dance floor.

"Loony Lovegood is who Ginny thought would be perfect for your brother?" Pansy said in a hushed tone as she watched the two twirl across the dancefloor with an eyebrow raised.

"Luna, is actually a really great person." Hermione told the skeptical Slytherin.

"I think they'll be great together." Ginny said as she walked up to the small party.

Hermione chuckled, "She'll definitely keep him on his toes."

"Hermione dear," Jean called as she walked up to the small group. "Mr. - Oh holy Salazar! is Blaise dancing with a girl? Did she ask him?" Jean looked to her daughter with wide eyes.

"He asked her after she came up and complimented him on his performance." The young Zabini woman said to her mother with a smirk.

"I need my camera!" Jean turned to leave.

Hermione grabbed her elbow to stop her, "Mom wait. What were you going to tell me?"

Jean turned back to her daughter and smiled sweetly, "You called me mom." she whispered.

"Oh god is that okay? It just came out." Hermione started to mumble before Jean pulled her into a hug.

"It's more than okay, my darling." Jean squeezed her quick before letting go, "I came to tell you that the Minister was looking for you for a dance. You find him and I'm going to find where I set my camera down so I can capture your brother dancing with a girl other than Pansy for once."

Pansy looked like she was going to say something to Jean but the woman was gone before she could.

"Pans might I have the next dance?" Draco asked with another one of his over dramatic bows which made the girls burst into a fit of laughter.

"Well of course my good sir!" Pansy said with an equally outrageous curtsy.

Hermione shook her head, "Alright, you two weirdos have fun, I'm going to find Kingsley."

"Miss Granger-Zabini." Dolohov said as Hermione turned and practically ran into him, "I'd like to finish our conversation if that's alright with you." He asked with an evil smirk.

"I told you Mr. Dolohov, owl me tomorrow and we'll set up a luncheon." she moved to walk past him.

"How about supper instead? It's much more appropriate for the conversation."

Hermione gave a quick smile, "I disagree, dinners should only be had between two people when they're family or courting. Seeing as we are neither we will do lunch."

Antonin raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, you win this one little witch, lunch it is." He smirked as he walked away.

"God that guy creeps me out." Ginny said quietly as she watched him walk away from Hermione's side.

"Really?" Pansy asked with a thoughtful expression, "He makes me feel something very different." she finished with a smirk.

Both Hermione and Ginny looked to the raven haired Slytherin with wide eyes, "Pansy!" they yelled together in hushed tones.

"He's evil." Ginny urged.

"He's also incredibly intelligent, adventurous, from a good family, single, and looks damn fine in that perfectly tailored suit." Pansy informed the two witches she stood beside.

Draco looked from Pansy to Hermione and Ginny, "Pansy's not wrong. He was always top of his class in Hogwarts and received eight O's on his NEWTs and continued his studies after his seventh year. He made a fortune before joining Voldemort before the first war that he didn't even need because of his families wealth. And we share a tailor so of course his suit fits properly." he finished with an eyeroll to Pansy.

"But he's evil." Ginny said again.

"We thought almost everyone in this room was up until a few months ago Gin." Hermione said to her best friend, "What if we didn't give these guys a chance and I was still a sad orphan with nothing?"

Ginny rolled her eyes, "That's different." she said crossing her arms.

"How?" Hermione asked, "Draco has the same dark mark Antonin does but we still gave him the benefit of the doubt and a second chance. I'm not saying we should invite the guy to our next movie night but we don't have to treat him like a criminal anymore."

Ginny glared at Hermione with pure hatred in her eyes, "If that's really how you feel, don't bother inviting me to the next one either!" she spit out before stopping away.

Without another word Hermione stalked off in the opposite direction in search of the minister.

"What the hell just happened?" Pansy asked Draco as she looked between the two angry Gryffindors.

"Beats the hell outta me." the blonde said shaking his head.

Hermiones Moonlight solo
Zabini Moving Castles duet
River Flows

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