Good With The Weasley Boys

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"Mother and father wont be joining us for your mothers birthday," Pansy told the Zabini twins in front of her, "They don't want muggles to die but they don't want to mingle with them either."

"That's understandable, I wasn't really expecting them to want to come anyway." Blaise shrugged from the chair he sat in. 

Hermione looked from one Slytherin to the next, "What about you guys?" she asked her boyfriend. 

"Mother and father are both in, mothers more excited than he is but he agreed to come to the park regardless." Draco explained as he gave Hermione's shoulders a little squeeze.

"Will he wear muggle clothes to blend in?" Hermione asked, already knowing the answer would be no. 

Pansy tried, unsuccessfully, to hide her chuckle, while Draco shook his head, "No, he said he would rather let the mermaids in the Black Lake drag him to a watery death than wear jeans." Draco finished with a chuckle. 

"Okay so three Zabinis, three Malfoys and one Parkinson, I think that'll be pretty good." Hermione said with a shrug. 

"No Gryffindorks?" Blaise asked in a playful tone. 

The three Slytherins watch Hermione's lips form a small frown, "Not this time, I still haven't talked to Ginny since the ball." she took a deep breath, "I need to go over there and talk to her alone before I actually invite her anywhere." 

"What happened that night? Everything was fine and then she was literally dragging Harry and her family out." Blaise asked his sister. 

"During the first war, a group of Death Eaters killed Molly's brothers, Dolohov was there so Ginny's holding him personally responsible even though no one knows if it was actually him that cast the killing curses."

Draco nodded his head, "That's understandable, but there were lots of ex-Death Eaters, why only get upset over that one?"

Hermione looked down to her fingers that were twisting around one another in her lap, "She got upset because I defended him."

"I just don't see why you need to be the one to go apologize first." Pansy said as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

Hermione smiled at her friend, "Because Ginny wont."

"Maybe if you just give her a little time." Blaise said hopefully. 

"No, 'Miones right," Harry declared from the doorway he was walking in, "Ginny never apologizes first, even when she knows she's in the wrong but with this she believes she's right so she's being extra stubborn."

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked happily as she got up to hug her adoptive brother. 

Harry squeezed the small witch in his arms, "Because I don't think you were in the wrong and I wanted you to know that." When he finished speaking, the two Gryffindors pulled apart and sat on the couch with Draco. 

"I was so worried you would hate me for what I said." Hermione confessed. 

Harry shook his head, "Hermione, as the closest thing I have to a sibling, you should know I will never hate you." he said, green eyes shining, "Especially for looking past someone's mistakes and looking to the future." 

"Thank you." Hermione whispered with a smile. 

"So Ginny is definitely still mad?" Pansy asked hesitantly. 

Harry gave a sad smile, "Yeah, after she made us all leave the whole Weasley clan came back to our place and she explained the whole thing. A few of them looked hurt, Molly especially but no one else was angry." 

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