Finally Ready

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"Alright, are you girls ready?" Jean asked Pansy and Hermione who were practically shaking with excitement over finally being ready.

"Yes yes, let us see!" Pansy demanded.

Everyone laughed at the raven haired girls responce. "Alright," Jean said through one final chuckle, "Open your eyes!"

"Oh my god." Hermione whispered.

"Holy Salazar I'm a princess!" Pansy exclaimed excitedly, "Who knew Draco had such good taste! how did he come up with these?"

Hermione smiled, "Your Snow White."

Pansy looked over to her best friend, "I dont know what that means. You look amazing!"

"Thanks," the curly haired witch blushed, "I'm Cinderella."

"Who are these people?" Pansy asked looking at the women in the room. "Oh Ginny! I love your dress!"

Hermione's eyes darted to her fellow Gryffindor and gasped, "Your Ariel!"

"I am!" Ginny said as she did a little twirl.

"Okay." Pansy said to get Hermione's attention, "Who are all these people and how do I not know them?"

Hermione giggled, "They're fairytale princesses. Snow white, who your dressed as, was a princess who was known as the fairest in the land so her evil step mother who was also a witch tried to kill her. She found refuge with seven dwarfs until the wicked witch step mother found her and gave her a poison apple, she ate it and was asleep until her prince came to save her with true loves first kiss. Ariel," she said as she gestured to Ginny, "was a mermaid who fell inlove with a human prince and traded her tail for legs so she could be with him, and Cinderella who im dressed as was a girl with a kind heart who was orphaned as a small child and forced to live with her evil step mother who enslaved her until one night, the prince hosted a ball to find a wife and her fairy god mother helped her get ready so she was able to go, fall in love with the prince and live happily ever after."

"Awe," Pansy smiled, "Draco thinks I'm the fairest of them all."

Once again all the women burst into a fit of laughter, "Of course thats the only thing you heard from Hermione's rant." Ginny said through her laughter.

"Well," Pansy hummed, "I do like that the ball is themed after fairytale princesses but why are the witches in the stories evil?"

"Muggles wrote them." Ginny said with an eyeroll.

"Ladies, the boys are finally ready," Narcissa called from the doorway she stood in, "Are we all ready to go down?"

"Yes!" Hermione, Pansy and Ginny all said together.

Together the three young witches walked towards the hall where the men were waiting for them so they could go down before their guests started to arrive. Narcissa turned before the girls got to her and joined her husband before going to the stairs. Ginny was next to leave the room and when she came into view, Harry let out a long whistle.

"Ginny, you look beautiful." Blaise told the young redhead with a genuine smile.

"Thank you Mr. Zabini." Ginny said before joing hands with Harry and following the Malfoy's to the enterance.

As they walked Harry leaned in and whispered in Ginny's ear, "You look absolutley stunning my love."

Next to leave Hermione's room was Pansy, big poofy red dress flowing smoothly around her legs. "Well boys, how do I look?" she asked her oldest friends who were practically brothers.

"Positivley stunning." Blaise said as he held out his bent arm for the young girl to take, "May I escort you to the ball madam?"

Draco smiled at the dramatic bow his best friend did as he spoke, "For a Slytherin you do look great in Gryffindor red Pans." he winked at the glaring girl.

"Which you should be happy about Draco Malfoy, I'd hate to have to kill one of my bestfriends." she winked at the young Slytheirn man.

"Enjoy your night Snow White." Draco said before giving his own overly dramatic bow.

Inside the bedroom, Jean looked to her daughter one last time before the night began, "How are you feeling?"

Hermione took a deep breath, "Nervous." she whispered.

"Oh my darling, you have nothing to worry about, everything will be perfect tonight, just like in the story. That's why Draco chose Cinderella for you, the ball was a big moment for her and her prince." Jean said before she leaned in and kissed her not so little girls forehead. "If you need me, I wont be far."

"Thank you," Hermione said with a smile, "For all of this, the ball the surprises, accepting me and bringing me into your home. I couldn't ask for a better mother."

Both Zabini women went in for a hug at the same time and shared one last moment for just the two of them before entering leaving the safety of Hermione's room. Once Jean felt Hermione loosen up on the hug, she leaned back and whispered, "And I couldnt ask for a better daughter. I am so proud of you Hermione Jean. I know you will do wonderful things, not only tonight but throughout your life. You got this baby girl."

Hermione watched her mother leave as she tried to steady her nerves. Not long after Jean left the doorway, Draco entered it.

"Hermione, you look." he was at a loss for words with how unbelievably stunning his girlfriend was. "Wow." was all he could manage as he looked at her.

Hermione of course blushed furiously, "Thank you. You picked a stunning dress." she smiled first at the gown she wore, and then at the young man who picked it out.

"Love, the dress is just a dress, you are the one who is stunning." he said softly as he walked over and kissed the back of her gloved hand. "Shall we go down?"

Hermione looked down as she took another deep breath, "Draco I dont know if I can do this. I was so sure earlier but now that Im dressed and it's actually time to go down I dont know if I can." she said in a shaky voice.

"Hermione look at me," he waited until she did, "You are the strongest, bravest woman I have ever met. You litterally jumped at the chance to face Voldemort, you were on the front lines of the war and would have died without a second thought if it meant you could save others by doing so. If anyone can face a room full of Slytherins its you." he gave her a sweet smile.

"Your right. Of course you are, I think I'm just freaking out because this isnt just about me. the way tonight goes will reflect on my mom and Blaise too. I have to do well for them and our family name." She said as she took both of Draco's hands in hers. "I guess showing up late wont be a good start though will it?"

"Not overly, but who cares? We'll go when your ready and not a minute before." Draco said before letting go of her hands and pulling her into a hug.

'hmmm', Hermione hummed, "Okay, I'm ready. Just promise me one thing."

Draco smiled and kissed the top of her head, "Your wish is my command darling."

"Dont let me fall in these stupid shoes or do anything stupid." she giggled into his chest.

Draco laughed with her, "I'll never let anything bad happen to you Hermione."

"Alright," she said as she leaned back to look him in the eye, "Then I'm ready. Lets go."

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