Time To Go

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The two witches walked down the hall towards the sitting room they knew Draco would have floo'd in to so they could meet him and the young couple could leave. "I still think this dress is a little suggestive Pans." Hermione said one last time before they got to the door hiding her family and boyfriend.

Pansy rolled her eyes, "Trust me, he's going to love it." she said before pushing the doors open and walking in the room.

All three Slytherins stood as Hermione and Pansy joined them. "Wow little sister, really making sure we all know what your going to get up to in France eh?" Blaise said with a chuckle.

"I told you!" Hermione said to Pansy while Jean smacked her son on the shoulder.

"You look wonderful my dear." Jean said reassuringly. "Your brothers just teasing."

Hermione smiled at turned her gaze to Draco who was looking at her like she was the most stunning sight he'd ever seen. "Hey you." she said with a shy smile.

"Hello beautiful." Draco said softly as walked over to where his girlfriend stood, "are you ready to go?" he asked before he took her hand in his, raised it to his lips and gently kissed it.

Hermione blushed and nodded her head. She wanted to say yes, pull his body into her own and apparate them anywhere but here. But his words, his gesture and that damned look he was giving her, took her breath away and prevented her from saying even a single word.

Draco turned to everyone else in the room, "Well, we have a reservation to get to but it was good seeing all of you today." Before anyone could say anything, Draco grabbed Hermione's suitcase with one hand while he wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her into his side so they could apparate away. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as they finally left, just like she wanted.

When they landed, Hermione pulled away slightly without letting her hands fall from around his neck and looked around the room. Before she could take much in however, Draco dropped her suitcase and made her jump. She she turned her head to look back at him, Hermione realized how close they were still standing to one another.

Her body was flush with his, one hand on the back of his neck and the other slid down to rest on his chest, her lips only inches from his. Her breath hitched as he brought the hand that was holding her bag moved from his side to her waist and the one that was already on her lower back moved to the other side of her body.

"Hermione." He whispered as he looked deep into her big brown eyes.

Hermione swallowed before she whispered back, "Draco."

He looked from her eyes, to her lips and back to her eyes again, "We should go to breakfast."

Feeling slightly disappointed, Hermione nodded her head and tried her best to not whimper when he pulled away from her. She couldn't help but think about how funny it was how one person could make her feel so hot while holding her and then so cold once they let go.

Draco called for Tikka to come, which she did with a small pop and a large smile. "Welcomes master and misses, what's can Tikka dos?"

Hermione smiled at the excitement the little house elf showed, "Are you happy to be here Tikka?" She asked in a sweet voice.

"Oh yes! Tikka loves France!" She exclaimed as she quickly nodded her head.

"I'm glad," Draco told the elf, "Can you bring Hermione's bag to our room please?" 

Hermione missed whatever the elf said in response which was probably just another excited yes. Draco's use of the word please surprised her; she knew they were decent to their elves, in private at least, but that one word came so naturally in stead of being an after thought almost caught her off guard. Then there was the fact that he said 'our room'. She knew they'd be sharing a room but hearing him confirm it made her heart swell and her breathing quicken. She couldn't wait to actually see and use this room of theirs.

"Shall we?" Draco asked, bringing Hermione back from her thoughts. 

Hermione smiled, "Of course." 

Once the young couple left the room Draco apparated them into, Hermione realized that it was a penthouse in a beautiful, old building that faced the Eiffel Tower. They walked to a small café and shared a variety of croissants, berries, and breakfast pastries while they drank tea and discussed different sights and museums around the city that they would visit before returning home. 

As the café emptied, the young couple realized it was almost time for lunch, "I guess we got a little carried away talking." Draco said as he smiled to his girlfriend across the table. 

"Well, your easy to talk to." Hermione blushed and looked down at her hands as she spoke. 

Draco reached across the small round table to gently grab her chin and lift her face to look at him, "Don't tell me your getting shy now." he teased. 

"No, well maybe, can we go back to the penthouse?" she asked cautiously. 

"Of course love." Draco whispered before paying the check and leading her from the space they spent their morning. Once they fell into step with one another on the sidewalk, Draco looked down at the beautiful witch holding his hand, "Is everything okay?" 

Hermione felt her face get warmer with the blush that covered it, "Yeah, I'm just really excited and nervous, I don't want to wait any longer." 

"Are you sure?" Draco was surprised she didn't want to take in Paris more before they actually went to bed. 

"I am," she pulled him in closer so she could lower her voice, "I've wanted to take this step with you for a while now and honestly, we can come back to France any time, or extend the trip and see it later," she didn't realize when it happened but somewhere in her explanation they had slowed to a stop. "We came here to get privacy for our first time together and I want to take full advantage of that."  

Draco smiled and kissed her forehead, "Are you sure you're not rushing into this so that you wont chicken out?" he finished with an eyebrow raised, "Because I am more than willing to wait if that's what you want." 

Hermione shook her head and smiled when some of her curls fell in to her face only to have Draco move them away for her, "How about this, we'll start slow and go from there. Then I can show you just how ready I am and you won't feel like I'm just trying to get it over with."

"I love that idea darling," he kissed her rosy lips, "Let's go home." 

"Home?" Hermione asked in a concerned voice. 

Draco smiled at her before pulling her to walk beside him again, "While we're here the penthouse is our home, and one day, when your my wife and I'm the happiest wizard in the world, we could even choose to move here permanently and have it actually be our home." 

"I never thought of it like that," Hermione hummed as she let her boyfriend lead her down the sidewalk, "It's not like it really matters where we live, everywhere will just be an apparation or floo away anyway." 

"Exactly." Draco whispered in her ear before kissing the side of her head. 

Hermione smiled and looked up to him, "Would you want to make Paris our home?" 

Draco shrugged, "Home will always be where ever you are my love. If you want to wake up and see the Eiffel Tower every morning then we'll move here until your bored of it. If you'd rather wake to seeing the Leaning Tower of Pisa or the Great Wall of China or even the Statue of Liberty, just say the word and I will make it happen."

"I love you Mr. Malfoy." Hermione hummed as she leaned her head on his shoulder and practically melted into his side. 

"And I love you future Mrs. Malfoy."

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