Dramione's First Date Pt. 1

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As Hermione stepped out of the Malfoy's fireplace, she looked up to see Draco waiting for her in black dress pants, a plain black shirt and a grey blazer. 'God your handsome.' she thought to herself. 

"Wow Hermione, you look amazing." Draco looked her up and down, taking in her appearance without actually lingering anywhere for too long until he got back to her face." 

Hermione felt herself blush at his compliment, "Thank you Draco, so do you." 

Draco's smile grew as he looked away quickly, "Shall we?" he asked holding out his arm for her to take. 

All Hermione could do was nod as she laced her arm around his and fell into step with him. Using her peripheral vision, she noticed that she was closer to his height in these shoes while still being noticeably shorter than him. The two walked in a comfortable silence until they got to the beautiful French doors her and Blaise walked out two weeks ago. 

"I'm glad you're feeling better Hermione, you gave us all quite the scare." Draco's tone was soft but sincere as they stepped out into the sunlight. 

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. If I had known about the wards I never would have apparated like that." she looked down at her feet, letting him lead her, so he wouldn't see the embarrassment on her face.

Draco stopped walking and turned so he was facing her, "You have absolutely no reason to apologize, like you said, you didn't know." 

"And like you said, I scared everyone." She kept her gaze down as he turned her to face him.

Draco let out a small breath, "Hermione look at me," he whispered, "We were all scared because we care about you. You did nothing wrong and no one blames you for what happened." he watched her blink away the growing wetness in her beautiful brown eyes. 

Hermione took a deep breath and after a minute forced a laugh, "Wow, I really know how to start a date huh." she sniffled, feeling guilty for a whole new reason now.

Draco chuckled and pulled her into a hug, "Calling it a date made it the best start to a date I've ever heard of." 

"This is a date, right?" she asked quietly, suddenly feeling very self-conscious again. 

Draco pulled back a little so he could look at her, "Do you want it to be? I understand if you don't." he held his breath as he waited for her answer. 

Without hesitation Hermione looked up at his sparkling grey eyes, stood up on her toes and softly kissed him. She moved slowly so he could pull away if he wanted to, but when he kissed her back, she knew he wanted this to be a date just as bad as she did. 

When they pulled away, Draco leaned his head down so his forehead was touching hers, "Have I told you my new favorite thing in this world is feeling your lips pressed against mine?" 

Hermione giggled, "No, but I know exactly what you mean." she smiled as they stood there in each-other's arms. 

Draco let a minute pass before he lifted his head, "I'm not very good at this tour thing am I?" he chuckled. 

"Why do you say that?" Hermine personally thought he was the best tour guide she had ever had. 

"Last week I only showed you half of this place, and today we didn't even get to the garden before I pulled you into my arms." Draco smiled at the memory of their kiss in front of his library. 

Hermione's smile grew, "I couldn't have asked for a better tour of your home, but if it would make you feel better, I can always come back for a second tour. And this is the best walk through a garden I've ever been on." she laughed knowing this was the only walk through a garden she had been on.

Draco threw his head back as he laughed, "Hermione, we aren't even off the patio yet, I'm not sure this counts as a walk through a garden yet."

Hermione laughed with him, "Well then the tour hasn't begun yet so you really can't say you're a bad tour guide can you?" she raised an eyebrow as she finished her question.

"I suppose you're right," he looked out to the garden, "Shall we?" 

Hermione simply nodded before they started their walk with her hand in his.

Once they were at the hedges lining the walking path, Draco cleared his throat, "How much time do I get with you this evening?"

Hermione smirked, "I'll stay as late as you'll have me."

"Oh don't say that love." Draco returned her smirk.

"And why not?" she asked teasingly.

"Because if it were up to me, you'd never leave my side again." Draco squeezed her hand and watched her face redden at his confession.

Hermione was speechless for a minute but any concerns or fears she had earlier were gone, "Draco can be honest with you?" 

Draco tensed at her question, "Of course, let's sit on this bench."

Once they were seated, Hermione took a deep breath and held his hand in hers. "When you told me about your true feelings for me while we were in your library, I didn't know how to respond to you because I've spent every night since our first day at Hogwarts dreaming about you. I never in a million years, expected you to feel the same way and I think that scared me at first because I didn't know what to do with that information." she looked at some flowers across from them dancing in the breeze while she thought about what to say next.

"I let my feelings for you effect my interactions with boys growing up; I've only been kissed twice before you and I've never gone on a date or done any of the other things I'm sure every other girl my age has done." she looked back to the blonde next to her. "I think I subconsciously saved myself and all these firsts for you but now that I'm with you, I'm scared to do something wrong or be terrible at something we do together. I have made a point to be the best at almost everything I do, and I want to be perfect for you now, but I'm scared I can't be due to my lack of practice and experience." Hermione let out a shaky breath once everything was out in the open. 

Draco smiled before he leaned in and kissed her again. "Hermione, I haven't dated anyone either because no girl was ever worth it once I had my heart set on you. I'm also nervous going into this for all the same reasons you are, but now that I know were on the same broom, I feel a hundred times better." he kissed her hand, "We'll figure out this dating thing together."

Hermione had no words so when he finished talking, so she simply leaned in and kissed him again.

Before Draco, she had only been kissed twice, once in fourth year by Viktor at the Yule Ball and once by Ron in the Chamber of Secrets after they destroyed the horcrux. Neither of those kissed felt right, but kissing Draco was magical. Every time her lips met his, her heart skipped a beat, everything felt right, and she knew this was where she was supposed to be.

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