Breakfast & A Game Plan

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The next morning, Hermione woke up with a smile on her face. The ball had gone wonderfully; Draco's surprise had helped her tremendously, her and Blaise's performance was actually quite fun and everyone reacted positively to it, and not one Slytherin gave her a hard time.

As she rolled out of bed, the dress Draco had picked out for her caught her eye and made her smile grow. Pansy helped her get out of it before Hermione helped her as well and once the raven haired Slytherin left, Hermione placed a preservation charm on it and then used a sticking charm to hold it on the wall between her closet and the nearest window so she could look at it every day and remember her 'coming out party'.

After throwing on some jean shorts and a Gryffindor hoodie she had custom made in muggle London, Hermione left her room in search of breakfast. In the dining room where she was expecting to find just her mother and brother, sat Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy who were deep in conversation with Jean.

"There she is!" Narcissa called as she noticed the young witch, "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Very well thank you." Hermione said with a smile as she sat across from Lucius and poured herself some tea. "And you guys?"

"Wonderfully," Narcissa smiled, "better than Draco and your brother I imagine." she chuckled as she looked to Jean.

Hermione giggled, "Yeah those two really enjoyed their liquor last night."

Lucius smiled, "They always do when they meet up with their old qudditch teammates."

"So Draco's still at home in bed?" she asked as she served herself some French toast.

"No, he stayed here with Blaise." Jean said before drinking her tea.

Lucius raised an eyebrow, "Said the two of them had big plans to work out. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?" He smirked.

"They didn't tell me anything." Hermione said innocently after she swallowed her first bite.

"Well, all the same they probably just want to do another rec game at the house with everyone again." Narcissa said as she buttered a bagel.

Hermione smiled, "Maybe we should do a throwback game and do Gryffindor VS. Slytherin."

The three Slytherins at the table all looked at Hermione, "Well theres an idea." Jean said.

"Would be interesting to see how they do after being out of school for so long." Narcissa agreed.

"Do you think you could get some of your old Gryffindor friends to play?" Jean asked her daughter.

Hermione nodded her head as she chewed her food, "I'm sure I could get a team together." she took a sit of her cranberry juice before turning to the Malfoys, "You guys have a field?"

"We do, its where the Slytherin team would practice while on summer vacation." Lucius told the young witch as he poured more coffee.

"Then its settled!" Narcissa said excitedly, "The Slytherin team is practically ready so when you get some of your friends together you can let us know a date!"

"Your going to make this much bigger than it needs to be, aren't you dear?" Lucius asked his wife in a skeptical tone.

Narcissa smiled to her husband, "No bigger than it should be."

Jean leaned in to her daughter and whispered, "That means yes." making the young witch giggle.

"We'll do one of those outdoor cooking things the muggles do!" Narcissa said looking from her husband to her god daughter, "What are they called dear? With the fire thing?"

"A BBQ?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"Yes, that!"

Lucius took a breath and turned to the young witch, "What do the muggles cook at these BBQs and what do I need to get to do the actual cooking?"

"I can get everything for you guys." Hermione said with another giggle as Jean and Narcissa chatted excitedly about the house VS. house game they would host.

"Alright, I have two volts at Gringotts, one of which holds our muggle money. I will go with you to collect some and then we will go shop among the muggles." he said in a less than excited tone.

"Are  you sure you want to come? You don't sound like you want to." Hermione asked the older wizard with caution.

Lucius smiled, "I don't mind being around muggles, but I do know we'll use this fire thing once and then never again. Like most things Narcissa gets excited about." he winked at Hermione.

"Lucius Malfoy you take that back!" Narcissa said while she tried not to laugh.

"Convince me I'm wrong and I will." he said in a teasing tone through his Slytherin smirk.

Hermione smiled at how cute the couple across from her were and wondered if that would be her and Draco one day. While the three parents made plans for the upcoming game they would host, Hermione let her mind wonder to the evening before.

Hermione felt her smile grow as Draco lead her away from the balcony where his friends stood and towards the dance floor. Most of the guests had gone home and the dancefloor only held a few couples.

Wanting to be done, the band only played slow songs, not only for the couples to enjoy together but also in hopes people would get tired and want to retire for the night.

As the young, newly announced, couple got to the center of the dance floor, Draco pulled Hermione in close, so her head rested on his chest and the hand he held was over his heart. "Have I told you how unhumanly stunning you are tonight?" he whispered into her hair as they swayed with the music.

Hermione giggled, "Unhumanly huh?"

"Oh yes," he said before kissing the spot on her head his lips were nearest, "You must be part veela, it's the only explination." He chuckled.

"Well, as far as I know I'm 100% witch my love."

"Well that must be the explination then!" He said as he placed another kiss in her hair.

Hermione lifted her head to look into his eyes, "What is?" she asked, barely above a whisper.

"Love." he whispered before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Hermione." Jean said, tearing her daughter from her day dream.

Hermione blinked and looked to where her mother sat beside her, "Sorry what?" she asked.

Jean smiled, "What were you thinking so deeply on?"

"Like we have to ask." Lucius said with a coy grin from across the table.

"How hung over do you think they'll be today?" Narcissa asked with a smile, changing the subject for her daughter.

Hermione chuckled, "Very I'd imagine. They both stayed up later than I did and I finally got to bed around four."

"Well that's alright." Jean said as she threw her cloth napkin on her plate. "I was thinking, if you didnt have plans already, we could go paint the new headquarters and get it ready to start filling."

Hermione, who had taken a bite while her mother had been talking, just nodded her head excitedly while she finished chewing. "I would love that actually. I feel like we've fallen behind on it."

Lucius raised an eyebrow, "Did you have a dead line?"

The young witch shrugged, "Only for myself. I find setting them help keep me on track, epecially when I have a lot to do."

"Well it's settled then." Narcissa said excitedly, "Once were done here, we'll head to your muggle home and get going."

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