Draco's Plans & Hermione's Hang Over

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"Oh I love that idea!" Narcissa squealed excitedly, making Lucius spill his coffee on himself.

Draco smiled at the look from his father that his very excited mother missed completely, "Me too, which is why I need to both to avoid France like it's 1720."

"What happened in 1720?" Pansy asked as she let herself into the dining room where the Malfoys were eating breakfast. 

"The plague." Lucius and Draco said together. 

Pansy sat beside Draco and grabbed a piece of toast, "Okay so why are we avoiding France?"

"Draco's taking Hermione on a romantic weekend there." Narcissa said to the younger witch as her smile only grew, "I'm so happy for you darling." she told her son. 

Pansy raised an eyebrow and looked to one of her best friends, "And you need ALL of France for it?" 

Draco rolled his eyes, "Well no, but these two seem to interrupt every private moment Hermione and I have had so I'm just making sure they won't do the same this weekend." 

"We don't do it on purpose son." Lucius explained. 

"Yeah, it doesn't exactly get us closer to a wedding when that happens now does it?" Narcissa asked rhetorically through her smirk.

"Well if anything's going to get us there it'll be this weekend," she said to the older witch without acknowledging the two wizards in the room, "They're finally going to get close and personal if you know what I mean." she winked. 

Both Draco and Lucius choked on their coffees, the former recovering first looked at Pansy with wide eyes, "Why would you say that?" 

Pansy shrugged, "Well am I wrong?" 

"Regardless of if you are or not, things like that don't need to be discussed with my parents! Or anyone for that matter." Draco exclaimed before taking a sip of water. 

"Hermione will just tell me when you guys get back anyway." Pansy said with a shrug as she grabbed more toast. 

Draco chuckled, "She wouldn't tell you about our first date but you think she'll tell you about our first time? Really?"

Pansy smirked like the Slytherin she was, "That girl can't lie to save her life, all I have to do is ask if it happened and her reaction will tell me everything I need to know." 

Lucius opened his mouth but his wife was quicker, "We should have tea with her and Jean when they get back!" 

"Yes!" Pansy exclaimed, loving the idea. 

"Hermione lied to the death eaters time and time again during the war, I think you two are underestimating her." Lucius finally got out.

Pansy rolled her big brown eyes, "Yeah but she was getting cursed left right and center when being questioned. The only facial expression she could make was ones of pain. Ten galleons says she turns as red as one of those strawberries when we ask." 

"Can't you guys let it go?" Draco asked his mom and the closest thing he had to a sister, "Why must you know if were having sex or not?" 

"Yes, give the boy his privacy." Lucius said with a nod to his son, as if to say 'I have your back'. 

"Because were happy for you two and supporting this relationship!" Pansy exclaimed, "Now, tell me everything you have planned!"


Hermione walked into the dining room where her brother and mother were having breakfast together and smiled to see they too were still in their pajamas. "Good morning." she called out happily as she walked to the table. 

Blaise smirked, "Good morning little sister." 

"What's with the smirk?" Hermione asked as she raised an eyebrow. 

Jean giggled into her tea cup, "Draco sent an owl this morning." 

"What'd it say?" Hermione asked skeptically as she looked between the two Slytherins sitting beside and across from her. 

Blaise sat a little straighter at the head of the table as he lifted the letter and dramatically cleared his throat, 

Blaise and Jean Zabini, 

I don't quite know what to write as we agreed mine and Hermione's courtship would be casual and untraditional, but I still feel like I should ask your permission, or run it by you at the least before taking her away for the weekend. 

If it pleases you both, I would love to take Hermione to my family home in France for a romantic weekend to get to know one another better. I will arrive Friday morning to pick her up and bring her to the estate and then make sure she returns home safely on the evening of the following Sunday. 

To avoid Pansy interrupting my plans (as we all know she'll try to) the floo will be closed and the apparation wards will be up. You will however, still be able to reach us via owl or patronus, should you need us. 

I discussed taking Hermione to France with her last night but as you both know, she was fairly intoxicated and may not remember so please, don't say anything. I will be by later today to make sure the weekend plans are still a go once I send one of the elves to the manor to begin preparations for  our arrival at the end of the week. 

-Draco Malfoy

Blaise set the letter on the table and looked to his sister whos face was bouncing between emotions. "What are you thinking?" 

"Well," Hermione thoughtfully began, "For starters, I did forget but I'm very glad he didn't. Secondly, I can't believe you told me when he specifically asked you not to! Although the state I was in last night is rather embarrassing so I am glad I got a heads up on the fact that not only did we make plans but he's also coming over today. I love that he's preparing for Pansy's attempts on spying on us, I think he was right about her wanting to interrupt and I've never had anyone do anything romantic for me before so it would be ideal for it to not get interrupted."

Blaise cut her off with his laugh, "Well I wasn't expecting you to have so many thoughts on this but I guess being a Ravenclaw that does make sense." 

"Are you excited?" Jean asked her daughter. 

Hermione smiled, "I am." she blushed and her words left her mouth, "I can't wait to just relax and take in the French culture."

"I don't think its the French culture you'll be taking in but okay." Blaise said with an evil smirk as he sipped his coffee.

"Blaise Sterling!" his mother yelled as she tried to hide her own smirk. 

"What? He's taking her on a romantic French getaway, I think it's pretty obvious things are going to go there." He said as he looked between his mother who was thinking the same thing and his sister who was blushing behind her hands as she tried to hide her face. 

Jean looked to her daughter quick, "That doesn't mean we need to discuss such things at the table, I know I raised you with better manners than that." she scolded. 

"Yeah and who's to say that'll even happen?" Hermione asked as she found her courage, "Maybe we will just get to know each other and go to museums and try different restaurants."

Blaise rolled his eyes, "He wouldn't make sure no one could show up if you guys were going to be leaving the manor. You guys are gonna bang and read books and talk about what you read and then bang some more or what ever it is nerds do on romantic weekends." 

"You say that like its a bad thing." Hermione said without thinking. 

Jean laughed and rubbed her face before looking back at her children who were looking at her with the same questioning gaze, "How are you two so different and so similar at the same time?" 

Blaise and Hermione looked to one another before they joined their mothers laughter. 

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