Planning A Ball / Poutine

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"Where did Draco get these books?" Jean asked as she set down 'Princess and the Frog' and picked up 'Peter Pan'.

Narcissa set down her tea cup and picked up 'Cinderella', "In a muggle book store, he said the muggles read them to their children as bedtime stories."

"I wonder if the Grangers read them to Hermione." Jean thought out loud. "Muggles dress up in costumes for All Hallows Eve, do you think she put on a dress and a crown and went as one of these princesses?"

Narcissa chuckled, "Being the feminist she is I bet she went as one of the princes instead. This Disney man doesn't seem to think women can do much for themselves."

"Well he is a muggle." Jean's laughter joined Narcissa's, "Which of these stories did Draco say he was styling Hermione's dress after?"

"This one, Cinderella. She stands up for herself and shows some backbone, I see why he chose this one for her."

Jean smiled, "Does it show any good pictures of the castle or ball room? We'll charm ours to look like that one."

"It has a few yes, we'll have to improvise a little but that's alright."

"Excellent, the food, drinks, music and guest list are all taken care of, and once the ball room is ready we can relax." Jean said setting down her book, "Have you chosen your gown yet?"

"Mmm," Narcissa hummed as she took a sip of her tea, "Were wearing burnt orange. You?"

Jean smiled, "White, I had Draco get me the same necklace as Hermione and then my shoes and jewelry are in the same blue as her dress."

"And Blaise?"

"His suit is white and his dress shirt is the matching blue. He's quite excited about this ball actually."

Narcissa smiled, "Do you think he'll actually bring someone this time?"

Jean hummed, "I doubt it," she rolled her eyes, "Do you remember that crazy old muggle woman posing as a fortune teller at that fair we took the kids to on our trip to America?"

"I do! the boys were seven!"

"Well, that woman told Blaise that his soulmate would find him when he was least expecting it and that if he looked for her she wouldn't appear."

Narcissa raised an eyebrow, "And he believed her?"

Jean nodded, "Unfortunately, and as you know until he warms up to people he has the resting bitch face and when you combine that with being a Slytherin he doesn't exactly have a lot of girls asking him out."

"Well we'll have to put a few more young ladies on the guest list." Narcissa winked at her best friend.

"You don't suppose Hermione would mind us making this a little bigger than just a few family friends, do you?"

"Well," Narcissa took a breath, "Only one way to find out."


"What was this called again?" Pansy asked as she took another dripping mouthful.

Hermione smiled at her friend sitting across the table, "It's a pulled-pork poutine."

"I never would have thought to put things like that on chips." Blaise said shaking his head.

"Poutines are huge in Canada, when my parents took me there as a kid to visit family every restaurant had at least a basic poutines on the menu." Hermione smiled at her prime beef deluxe poutine.

"I've never been to Canada." Draco thought out loud.

Blaise chuckled, "I haven't either actually, we'll have to make a trip out there sometime."

"If this is a common meal for them I'm in." Pansy declared as she loaded up her fork again. "I think this is my new favorite meal."

Hermione giggled, "I'm really glad you like it Pans."

Blaise nudged Pansy with his elbow, "What you should do is convince your dad to send one of your kitchen elves to Canada to study their cooking. If they make these amazing poutines just think of what else they're hiding."

Pansy practically choked on her food, "Yes! U'la's been begging him to send her somewhere again to study cooking but we couldn't decide on a country! This is so happening."

"So that's pretty common eh? Sending your house elves to different countries to study cooking?" Hermione asked as she mixed up her dish more.

Draco nodded as he swallowed his mouthful, "Richer families like ours who can afford to do it at least. Every family has a reason to, mine and Pansy's fathers like to empress people who come over for business dinners and your mom likes to throw legendary dinner parties, the cooking will make or break events like those."

"For New Years Eve, mother picks a random country, sends one of the elves there to study the food and then makes the entire meal authentically. Purebloods love that crap, especially if their elves weren't trained in the same country." Blaise said rolling his eyes.

"Where's your favorite big brother?" Hermione asked before taking a sip of her pepsi.

"Mexico." all three Slytherins answered together, making Hermione laugh.

"All three of you like Mexican food the best?" she asked looking around the table.

Draco shook his head, "No that's just Blaise's, he eats it all the time. Pansy's is obviously now Canada and mines Italian."

"What's yours?" Pansy asked.

"Either Greek or Italian, but if I had to choose just one I think I'd pick Greek food." the curly haired witch laughed.

"Oh!" Blaise exclaimed excitedly, "Do you guys remember our trip to Greece the summer after fourth year?"

Pansy, who's mouth was full nodded excitedly while Draco spoke, "Of course, that was the first time my father actually let you guys come on one of our business vacations."

"Whats a business vacation?" Hermione asked unsurely.

"Well," Pansy began before swallowing, "Its where you have business to attend to in another country but your family or friends go with you and you spend time touring around after the meetings are finished. It's pretty much the only kind of vacations we know."

"It's something our mothers started enforcing once we were old enough to notice our fathers were gone for days at a time." Draco said with a smirk. "Except for Blaise because your mother actually likes to make a point to travel with her children just for fun. I'm surprised she hasn't already planned a world tour for you."

Blaise laughed, "She thought about it but wants Hermione to get comfortable in our home first."

"She's so sweet." Hermione hummed, "to be completely honest with you guys, I was really scared about re-meeting you guys and joining the family but I'm glad I had nothing to worry about."

Pansy giggled, "I bet it helped that lover boy here feels the same way about you as you do for him."

Blaise and Pansy broke into a fit of laughter as Draco and Hermione both blushed. "Well it is nice." Hermione mumbled.

Draco leaned over to kiss the side of her forehead, "It really is."

"Alright," Pansy said while setting her napkin on her now empty plate, "Shall we head back and help the mothers with planning this ball we can't know any details of."

"Yeah but I think I might need a nap after all this food." Blaise groaned as he followed the dark haired girl out of the booth.

"I actually wouldn't mind a movie night." Hermione said in agreeance with her brother.

All three Slytherins look at the curly haired witch with confusion, "A what night?" Pansy asked.

"Sorry I forgot the magical community doesn't have movies. Umm, its like a book but you watch it on this box thing called a tv. We'll have to swing by a muggle store quick and get everything we'll need. But trust me, you guys are gonna love this."

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