Organizing The Order

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By ten-thirty the next morning, the Zabinis, Malfoys, Weasleys, and Harry were sitting in the Zabini's dining room having brunch while Hermione explained what happened the day before and told them about the new headquarters for the Order of the Pheonix.

Jean went all out on the meal she had the house elves prepare; french toast, omelets, scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, toast, English muffins, waffles, pancakes, and every kind of fruit known to man. There were also self refilling, temperature keeping pitchers of juices like pumpkin, apple, orange, grapefruit, lemonade, as well as milk, chocolate milk, tea, coffee, and water.

"Do you need anything from us dear?" Molly asked as she cut her french toast.

"Yes actually, if it's not to much trouble, I need everyone to start making potions." Hermione said before taking a sip of her pumpkin juice, "I want a full stock of potions ranging from blood replenishing and healing to poison antidotes to veritaserum. Basically anything we could possibly need."

Jean wiped her face with a cloth napkin, "Are you still making the one room in the upstairs a potions room?"

Hermione bit into a piece of bacon while she thought, "I haven't really thought about what to do with the house now that it has a new purpose, but we will need one for sure."

"Do you have a list of the potions you want to be made?" Ginny asked.

Harry rolled his eyes at his girlfriend, "Did you seriously just ask Hermione Granger if she had a list prepared for something she's organizing?"

Ginny giggled and shrugged her shoulder, "Yeah never mind, give us a copy of the list and we'll get it done 'Mione."

Hermione pulled a piece of paper from her pocket, tapped it with her wand to duplicate it and then handed the copies down the table so everyone could see it. "I've charmed the list so when you touch your wand the name of a potion, an ingredient list as well as brewing instructions will appear below."

"You really think of everything." Lucius hummed as he read over the list.

"I try" Hermione blushed, "The Zabini's have graciously offered their lab to be used to make and bottle the potions and Bill has given the order full access to his and Fleur's greenhouse which covers a good amount of the ingredients."

Bill set the list down and cleared his throat, "Harry, we would like you to make a list of spell you thought or were going to teach while you were leading Dumbledore's Army in fifth year."

"Jean, Narcissa, and Molly, the four of us will be heading to HQ after breakfast to start discussing how we will utilize the rooms we have. George and Arthur, we need the two of you to reach out to every member not in this room and arrange a time for them to meet with either Bill or myself to take the vow so they can continue their service. Everyone else, please start on the potions, I want a full inventory by the time the house is ready for its first meeting." Hermione loved the way everyone at the table listened to her while she gave out orders, as she assigned tasks to specific people they nodded in agreement and she felt pride in the group she helped assemble.

"If anyone wishes to take the vow today, send them to me so Hermione can ready the house without interruption. I will be here helping brew." Bill looked at each person present, "Does anyone have any questions?" When no one spoke up, Bill looked to Hermione and nodded once to show he had nothing more to add.

Hermione smiled at her partner before looking back out at the table, "Alright, that brings us to the end of the meeting. Once your finished eating please start your task."

"I gotta say," Ginny said as she set her juice down, "These meetings are so much better when there's food." Everyone laughed and gave words of agreement.

Once everyone quieted down again, Jean cleared her throat, "While I have you all here, Narcissa and I were planning a little mock ball to help prepare Hermione for future ones we will be hosting and I would love it if you all would attend."

Ginny perked up, "That sounds fun!"

"It won't be anything too crazy, we'll be dressing up of course so she gets the feel of dancing in heels, and then we'll go through the usual dances that one does at a ball." Narcissa smiled at the youngest Weasley.

Jean nodded in agreement, "Of course you're all welcome to bring dates. It'll be everyone here and the Parkinsons."

"Do you have a date picked?" Molly asked through her smile.

"Well," Jean looked to Narcissa, "We were thinking next weekend but if we're still working on the house we can push it back."

Hermione shook her head, "No we should have it next weekend as planned, the order is important but we can't let it interfere with our lives."

"I agree, one night off from the house and potion making won't hurt. Plus Fleur's going to love this and she won't hesitate to hex me if it's put off for the order." Bill smiled happily as he thought about what his wife's reactions will be when he tells her.

Jean clapped her hands together, "Then it's settled, please excuse me while I write Rosily."

Arthur set his napkin on the table after wiping his face, "Ready George?"

George nodded his head as he took one final sip of tea before leaving the room with his father. The Malfoys were the next to stand; Lucius kissed the top of Narcissa's head before leaving for the potions room with Harry and Ginny while Draco walked over and kissed Hermione on the lips before joining the rest of the potions crew with Bill at his side.

The ladies who were going to the new HQ stayed seated and finished their teas and coffees while they waited for Jean to return from the owlery so they could all go together.

Hermione finished her tea as Jean reentered the room and led the ladies to the floo so they could start planning.

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