II- The Brat Meets His Bodyguard

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The brightness of the sunrise that went through the window pane is an indication that it's already morning. He squirmed lazily as his eyes still wanted to sleep. He came home past midnight from the usual place he spent before the weekend with his friends.

"Aaaahh..." Xiao Zhan throw himself back on his bed as he felt the splitting pain on his head due to the alcohol that he drunk the previous night. He didn't even know how he able to come home or who sent him home.

Kriiing! Kriiing!

He fished out his phone when he heard it ringing. He found it under his pillow. Meng Ziyi is calling.

"Hello?" He answered it lazily while the other hand massaging his forehead.

"How are you? Still, in bed I guess." His friend chuckled.

"Yeah! My head is aching. I think I drunk too much last night."

"I think so! I'm also drunk a little but Zhuocheng volunteered to send me home. How about you? How's your journey back home with your new bodyguard?" Xiao Zhan widened his eyes as he heard Meng Ziyis' said. He got up quickly like his headache are gone when he heard he has a new bodyguard.

"What did you just said? New bodyguard? Wait...wait...I don't understand?" He bombarded Ziyi with so many questions.

"Oops! Sorry, I also don't know. When we are about to go home and no one could be able to send you home and you're already dozing off at the bar counter. I asked the bartender to call your house phone number to ask someone to pick you up from the bar." Meng Ziyi stop as Xiao Zhan interrupted her.

"Can you please tell it straight? And who that new bodyguard you said." His mind is already in chaos as he heard the word bodyguard.

"Excited?!" Meng Ziyi laughed from the opposite line. "Well, you must be excited as your new bodyguard is young and handsome. He is like a god...shit! If he is to be my bodyguard I will behave like a goddess too." Xiao Zhan can imagine how Meng Ziyi rolling her eyes and shuddered at the moment.

"I'm serious! Tell me who that guy is?" He is already a bit irritated for his friend not telling him directly who that person she said his bodyguard who picked him up from the bar.

"Okay fine! When the bartender called your house phone and told whoever picked up the call that you need help. Then after about thirty minutes of waiting, someone arrived with his leather jacket and black jeans, and boots walking like an action star straight to the counter showing his stoic face asking where is Xiao Zhan. Then the bartender told him and pointed you who is snoring at the bar counter." Meng Ziyi laughed as she remembers Xiao Zhan snore.

"Then what? How and why you said he is my new bodyguard then?" He is already dying for curiosity to know who the guy was.

"He introduced himself to the bartender as your new bodyguard and the bartender seems to know him. So he allowed him to carry you."

"Wait! He carried me?" His brows furrowed.

"Yes! He carried you and in a bridal style." Meng Ziyi again laughed.

Xiao Zhan trying to recall what had happened the previous night but his head just aching in pain.

"How about Zhuocheng? Did he know about this?" He asked.

"Nah! After volunteered to drive me home he also ends up snoring so I have to drive him home instead. I'm a bit drunk and still manage to drive. I just asked one of the staff there to help me take him to the car." Meng Ziyi laughed a little at how she recalled the mess they did the last night.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now