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"Wang Yibo!" 

A woman's voice halts Wang Yibo from going. He then turned around and saw who she was. His eyes widened as he saw the lady in red with the kids a while ago. 

"Yes?" His brows creased. 

"Are you just going away like that?" The woman asked him as she knew him very well.

"Does it matter to you if I will leave? And who are you by the way?" 

"It does for Xiao Zhan. There's no need for you to know who I am. It's not an important thing for me to know for now. You go talk to him." 

"With such an occasion, I don't think he will give attention to me." 

"Then you promise me to talk to him or I will take him away from you and you cannot take him back." The lady said it looking at him intensely waiting for what his reaction might be. 

"And who are you to tell me what to do? And are you threatening me?" 

"Are you threatened?" Wang Yibo gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He might punch the person in front of him if he is not a woman. "This is what I could do to help you, Wang Yibo. Talk to him. He will tell you everything. If you lose this chance, you might lose him forever. Don't waste time." The lady said it with full concern in her voice. Wang Yibo's heart softened. She left! Didn't wait for his response. 

Wang Yibo then fishes out his phone in his pocket. After talking to a certain person he went back inside. He saw his brother and brother-in-law talking to the person he has been longing for for four years. He stopped on his spot. Hesitant to go to them. He was about to turn in a different direction when Zhuocheng noticed him. 

"Wang Yibo!" Zhuocheng waved his hand to him. He looked at him. Slowly Xiao Zhan turned towards him as he was slowly walking closer. His eyes looked at him intently. His heart is pounding so fast as he is getting closer. 

"Yes, A'cheng?" He ignored Xiao Zhan and faced Zhuocheng. He didn't ignore him to hurt him but to stop himself from hugging him. 

"How are you, Mr. Wang?" Xiao Zhan asked, making him turn and look at him. 

"I'm good!" He responds with an impassive expression. 

Xiao Zhan nodded. He was about to say something when the two kids came. 

"Daddy!" One of the kids asked him to carry him. Xiao Zhan crouched down to pick him up. 

Wang Yibo felt someone was tagging on his pants. He looked down and he saw the other kid looking up at him raising his hands. 

"I think he is asking you to carry him, bro."

Wang Yibo felt a strange feeling in his heart while looking into the kid's eyes. He bent down and picked him up. 

"Daddy?" His eyes widened as the kid touched his face and called him Daddy.

"I'm not your Daddy. He is your Daddy." He pointed to Xiao Zhan who was looking at them with happiness mirroring in his eyes. 

"But you can be our Daddy, too. Right, Daddy?" The kid in Xiao Zhan's arms spoke looking at Xiao Zhan. At three both kids are so talkative that made Haikuan and Zhuocheng giggle. 

"If he likes it too, why not?" Xiao Zhan responds to the kid while their eyes are on Wang Yibo. 

"Can we?" The kid asked Wang Yibo. 

He wasn't able to respond. It hurts him to be called Daddy by the kids of the person he is waiting for so long, his kids with the person he loves.

"Bro?" Haikuan nudges him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now