VIII- Breaking the Rules

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A few days passed and Xiao Zhan learned the basic training that Huang Zi Teng is teaching him and the other trainees. Wang Yibo was quite impressed with his performance. Three days left for his eight days of basic training and Wang Yibo have plans to just continue it along with him when they're back home when he is free from school and on weekends.

"Zhan-ge! Zhan-ge!" Xiao Zhan was about to go back to his room when he heard someone familiar calling his name. It's been a few days since he left home but nobody visited him even his Dad though at night before he sleeps he will have a chat with them via phone. They can only use their phones at night and be taken away again the next morning. He still remembers how Huang Zi Teng glared at him when he refused to give his phone when it is confiscated the first day and he even complained about so many rules. "Here you are not only for self-defense training but also we will teach you how to learn discipline. Rules are rules. You need to follow, if you don't you are free to leave." He remembers how Huang Zi Teng was pissed and said it in front of them all. Though he addressed it to everyone he is guilty alone as he is the only one who dared to answer and tried to oppose the rules.

Xiao Zhan turned around to confirm if he is right with his guess about who is calling him. It was five o'clock in the afternoon and he didn't expect anyone to visit him. He smiled widely when he saw Ji Li and Wang Zhuo Cheng walking fast toward him.

"Zhan-geeeee....", Ji Li run towards him with arms wide open to hug him. Before he could run away Ji Li already hug him on his neck and legs on his hips.

"Gosh! Get", he wriggled to lossen Ji Li from his body.

"I just miss you!", Ji Li pouted like a kid when he got down.

"Aiya! I'm just gone for a few days." He responds and looked at Zhuo Cheng. "Hi, Zhuo Cheng, how are you couz? Why face so grumpy again?" He then walked closer to him and hug. He missed his cousin and Ji Li; their bonding together.

"Aiya! Where got Zhuo Cheng has a pleasant aura. He always like that what? Oouucchh..." Ji Li rub his nape when he received a big slap from Zhuo Cheng.

"Shut up! You're small but your mouth is so big." Zhuo Cheng hissed towards Ji Li.

Xiao Zhan laughed. "You two are like cat and dog. Every time you met, you're bickering or hitting each other."

"But we are friends still. Hehe!" Ji Li responds while stepping away from Zhuo Cheng before he gets another slap.

"Xiao Zhan, where do you stay here? Where's your room?" Zhuo Cheng asked as he stretched his neck to see what was around.

"Ahm, let's go I'll show you my room." Xiao Zhan then turned around to lead them toward his room but Ji Li stopped him on his wrist. He turned to him with a questioning look.

Ji Li tiptoed to reach his ear to whisper something. "We have a surprise for you." Then Ji Li winked at him and slightly opened the backpack from his shoulder. Xiao Zhan's eyes widened in surprise and his face painted with a beaming smile.

He turned around to check if somebody saw them and when he knows the hallway is clear he tugged the two along to his room. When they reached his room he immediately locked it from behind.

"Wait! What you are planning to do guys are against the rules. I might be in trouble then." Xiao Zhan walked slowly back and forth in front of Zhuo Cheng and Ji Li who are both sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Com' on Xiao Zhan, when did you start being obedient? Besides no one is here, only three of us so no one will know what we're going to do, right now." Zhuo Cheng's arrogance sometimes made Xiao Zhan get more tolerated.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now