XVI- Flirting

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A/N: If you noticed Xiao Zhan's nanny has no formal name from chapter 1.😆 So in this chapter I am giving her name Miss Yu Mei. I'm tired of calling her nanny or just Ayi😆.

Enjoy reading guys.💚💚❤❤


"Tomorrow, we're going somewhere I'll teach you how to use guns." Wang Yibo says making Xiao Zhan's eyes widen. "Don't worry, you need to learn this in case you need to protect yourself when you're out of strength for a weaponless fight." Wang Yibo explained for Xiao Zhan to understand.

"I'm not going to any war for me to learn such kind of self-defense." Xiao Zhan said as he stand up to clear the stuff as he finished eating. "Besides, who gonna hurt me? The accident, just might done accidentally by someone who's in a rush and had no intention to hurt me or you." He is too confident that he is safe and that no one is planning to hurt him. No one told him that his Dad is receiving threats and he is the main target.

"Xiao Zhan, you are the only son of the known Xiao Xiu Ying, the owner of the largest business empire here in China and internationally. Do you know how much money those people with ill intentions can gain from your Dad if ever they will take you? It's already happened in the past and it's possible to happen also now. So you have to protect yourself by all means. You understand me?" Wang Yibo got impatience with Xiao Zhan's stubbornness sometimes but he tried his best for him. He wanted him to learn everything to protect himself as not all the time he is with him.

"I gotta go back to my room now." Xiao Zhan took a step from leaning on the kitchen counter and wanted to go back to his room.

Wang Yibo then stand up and approached him blocking his way with his eyes locked on Xiao Zhan. "Stay away from me!" He moved closer to Xiao Zhan while the other stepped back to avoid him. "Huff", Xiao Zhan gasps for breath as he leaned on the wall, he was nowhere to go. He closed his eyes as Wang Yibo is already so close to him.

"Why? Are you scared of me?" Wang Yibo chuckled as he saw Xiao Zhan close his eyes intensely. "I just want to take the rice stick on your face." Xiao Zhan felt his fingers touch his face to take what he said, the rice. But he was afraid to open his eyes as he also can feel the warmth of Wang Yibo's breath on his face. His heart was pounding so fast with the thought that their faces are just an inch away.

"Wang Yibo, I need to go. You said we're going tomorrow so I need to go to sleep now." He said with eyes still close.

"Why don't you open your eyes? Are you planning to sleep here?" Wang Yibo released a teasing smile as he said it. Xiao Zhan then opened his eyes but regret it after as he is not mistaken that their faces are too close.

"You have very alluring eyes that are irresistible to stare at, Zhan." Wang Yibo said as he tilt his head to do eye contact with Xiao Zhan who averted his gaze to the side to avoid Wang Yibo's stare.

"Please Wang Yibo, let me go now. Daddy is just upstairs he might wake up or maybe someone will suddenly come here and might think something is not right." He said it tried to persuade Wang Yibo.

"How can they think we're doing something if we doing nothing? Unless you want to do something with me?" Xiao Zhan's eyes widened at what Wang Yibo said. He hissed making his bunny teeth visible. "Cute!" Wang Yibo grinned.

Xiao Zhan lifts his hands abruptly and with full force he pushes Wang Yibo on his chest to get away from him.

"I hate you!" Xiao Zhan stomped his feet and stormed away from Wang Yibo who mockingly laughed at him.

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