IX- Stolen Kiss

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His mouth agape as he left dumbfounded as he stood in the middle of his room when Wang Yibo stormed out with anger on his face. Xiao Zhan fluttered his eyes as soon as he gets back his senses but his mind is in chaos thinking about what punishment awaits him the next morning. He put the bottles back to the dustbin where Wang Yibo took them. He found the other bottle still has half of the wine but he lost his appetite to drink anymore thinking that he is doomed for the actions he did. He sat on the edge of his bed with legs crossed and a finger playing his chin thinking of what to do. "I need to escape.  Aaahhh, no, no, it will get things worst." He is also doesn't want to complicate things more. "Aaaahhh, whatever." He smiles as he remembers how every day he got punishment from Wang Yibo because his being stubborn and did silly things made Huang Zi Teng pissed off. He always remembers how the middle age man heaved a sighed to control himself as soon as he saw Xiao Zhan entered the hall where they do their physical training.

That night Xiao Zhan fell asleep thinking of what Wang Yibo would ask him to do the next day.

While Wang Yibo at the Private Eye private office still not in the mood, anger is still seen on his face. Sitting in front of the computer staring at the screen blankly.

"What's up? Do whatever you want him to be disciplined. As long as it won't harm him, I think that's fine. You need to be firm with him this time. He needs to learn now that his life is in danger, we have to teach him how to handle himself when the time comes that his life is at stake."  Li Bowen patted Wang Yibos' shoulder then went to his table and continue his job. They're now on busy days as they are trying to track where the threat for Xiao Xiu Ying came from. They still have no idea or clue about the son of the businessman that was jailed for kidnapping Xiao Zhan when he was four. Xiao Zhan's life now is in danger plus Wang Yibo has his case about Arthur Chen.

Wang Yibo went to bed with a concrete plan and decision on how to deal with Xiao Zhan.

A sudden knock on the door woke up Xiao Zhan from sleep. He stretched his arm while the other is squeezing his eyes but then he abruptly got up as he remembers that he needs to wake up at 4 a.m. He reached out for his watch and it's quarter before 4 a.m.

"Why so early. He said 4 a.m. but not time yet." He pouted after he murmured. He got up and took his trainer suit went to the bathroom and washed his face and changed.

"What took you so long?" Without even greeting him Wang Yibo asked as soon as Xiao Zhan opened the door of his room.

"You said 4 a.m. what?" He pouted his mouth and walked lazily following Wang Yibo.

"I said 4 a.m. means that time to start whatever I wanted you to do not 4 a.m. you wake up." Wang Yibo spoke to him in a very firm voice.

The cold breeze of the dawn creating mist and sending shivers on Xiao Zhan when they reached outside of the villa. He embraced himself when the breeze gently touches his skin. He is about to say something when Wang Yibo stops walking ahead of him then turned around and faces him. His face seems calm and relaxed, the anger he saw last night was gone but the coldness is still there.

"Now you will face the consequence of your actions. Aren't you tired or feel ashamed being punished every day? Seems you didn't learn what uncle is teaching you. Xiao Zhan this is not for me or anyone, this is for yourself." Wang Yibo said as he took out something from the bag he is carrying just now. Xiao Zhans' eyes widened when he saw it.

"A paddle? Are you going to hurt me just because I broke the rules? It is just a bottle of wine and it won't affect my training. And are you going to do hazing towards me? It's illegal." Xiao Zhan nonchalantly said his reactions with a threatening look towards Wang Yibo.

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