XII-Secret Admirer

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Days became a week, Xiao Zhan's swollen legs healed and he is ready to go back to the university. Their final semester started but during the weekend he has to continue training with Wang Yibo.

"Zhan, Zhan!" Ji Li standing in the middle of the living room holding a bouquet waiting for Xiao Zhan to get down so they can go to the university together.

"Oh Ji Li, let's go! We're getting late." Xiao Zhan walked quickly towards the shoe rack passing by Ji Li who is still holding the flowers.

"Ahm,  Zhan these flowers are for you." Xiao Zhan halted from putting on his shoes and turned around to Ji Li.

"What did you say?" His brows knitted.

"I said this flower is for you. It is delivered a few minutes before you came down." Ji Li responds.

"From who?" Xiao Zhan now slowly walking towards him, eyes focused on the flowers. He picked up the card inserted into it and opened it with curiosity.

Xiao Zhan,

Have a nice day ahead. Hope you're fine. Take care, always.

                                                 I. P.

His brows knitted like a crooked line.

"Who the hell is this I. P.? Why sending me flowers like this?" Xiao Zhan then grabbed the flowers from Ji Li. He smells it and looked at it like checking what type of flowers are there. "Hmm, not bad. This guy knows how to choose nice and beautiful flowers." The bouquet is mixed with Peruvian lilies, tulips, and roses.

Xiao Zhan then stopped smelling it when he noticed that Ji Li is so quiet. When he averted his gaze to him, he is in a position of daydreaming. He smacked him on his shoulder making Ji Li shake his head and his eyes fluttered. "IP man. IP man, yes, yes that's right!" Ji Li said it excitedly with his finger pointing up as if he got a perfect answer from an oral recitation.

Xiao Zhan gave him another smack now on his nape. "Hey! What are you blabbering about?" Asked Xiao Zhan to Ji Li who is scratching his nape from smacking.

"Zhan, I'm just happy I think I got the answer to who sent you the flowers." The small guy Ji Li pouted his lips walking back a few steps from Xiao Zhan to avoid another smacking if he got the wrong guess.

"And who is it you guess?" Xiao Zhan raised his brows and looked at Ji Li intently waiting for his answer.

"Didn't I say it's the IP man? He said I. P. right?" Ji Li took another step back as he saw Xiao Zhans' face turn into a face of a person who wanted to strangle someone's neck.

"Jiiiii Liiiiiiii......" Xiao Zhans' voice echoed not only in their living room but in all corners of their mansion making Ji Li run as fast as he could outside. Xiao Zhan subconsciously put the flowers on the couch and chased him outside but when he was about to turn to the garage he bumped into something loglike body. He is about to fall but he felt an arm wrapped around his waist preventing him from falling. He subconsciously closed his eyes not wanting to see what going to happen. His hands hung in the air, and his body felt like he is floating. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and saw himself walking. 

"No! Am I in heaven? Why I'm like floating in the air?" he thought. He blinked his eyes a few times to realize someone is carrying him. He turned his gaze towards that someone and he saw Wang Yibo carrying him like a bag of rice on his shoulder heading towards the car. Upon realization of everything, he shook his body and scream.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now