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A/N: To all who patiently took the journey in this story with me, thank you so much. Thank you for all your patience in waiting for my updates. Thank you so much for the votes and nice feedback. Though I find some chapters boring😁 still you gave me nice feedback.

I just hope that I gave all your expectations in this story.

Again, thank you very much to all of you. And I am inviting you all to support my other stories.


Four years later.

"Xiao Multi-Company announced for their new CEO to take over to manage and run all their businesses around the world. Could it be the only son of the current CEO? But where is he?" The television lady hosts said on their morning talk show.

"That's the question that only the owner of Xiao Corporation can answer." The other hosts respond.

"Who could it be if not his son?"

"Well, let's find out tonight as Xiao Company is going to hold a turnover ceremony for their new CEO."

Wang Yibo then turned off the television. He stand up from the couch and took his cup of coffee to the balcony of his villa. Yes, for four years he managed to build his eight rooms villa.

It is overlooking the Pacific Ocean on top of the hill.

"I'm still waiting! Patiently waiting for your come back." He heaved a sigh as he looked up. The sky is a clear indication of good weather.

He was startled when his phone started ringing. He went back to his room and took his phone from the coffee table.

"Yes, bro?"

"Are you coming tonight?"

"Yes! How about you?"

"I'm coming with Cheng."

"Is there any news about Panther?"

"Nope! He might want to be alone for now."

"How about Hawk?"

"Well, as usual, he is doing fine. Continue doing his job and manage his cafe. How about you? Until when are you going to isolate yourself on that island?"

"Bro, I'm not isolating myself. I am just busy managing the resort."

"Do you miss him?"

"Don't ask me a question that you already know the answer bro."

Wang Haikuan laughed from the opposite line.

"Okay fine! See you later. We might be going with you when you go back to that island. Zhuocheng wanted it. He loves the place."

"Another honeymoon?"

Wang Haikuan just laughed at what he said. They then hung up the call.

Novotel Presidential Suite.

"Babeeee...ooohhhh.." Xiao Zhan arched his body as Wang Yibo planted kisses and love bites from his chest down to his flat tummy while his hand teased his hardened nipples and the other busy on his hole, getting him ready for their connection.

"Baby you're so tight." Wang Yibo said between moaning as he move his fingers in and out of Xiao Zhan's hole. He circled his tongue on his belly button then bring his kisses down to his thighs making Xiao Zhan tremble with the creeping sensation on his spine making him daze. His grip tightened on the bed sheets as he felt Wang Yibo's warm mouth cup his length, deepthroated it, and sucked it in and out faster and deeper. He removed his grip from the sheets and grabbed Wang Yibo's thick and bouncy hair helping him fasten his pace on his shaft.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now