XIX- Lost their way

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A week went well between Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan. They treated each other like there's nothing happened the first time they went to the ranch.

"Zhan Zhan, is it true that tomorrow we're all going to your bodyguard's family ranch?" YuBin asked in surprise.

"Yes! Wang Yibo wanted to treat us there. You will enjoy the place. If you like horseback riding, you can choose different horses. They have about 20 imported horses and aside from that, there are a lot of local breeds. If you like to do milking the cow, you can also. If you love to just tour the place, they can provide you a driver to tour you around with their four-wheeled farm vehicle."

"Wow! It sounds awesome. I can't wait for it." Ji Li exclaimed his excitement.

"And you three why you're all quiet. Don't want to go?" Zhuo Cheng asked Pei Xin, Fan Xing, and Guo Cheng.

"We've been there already a couple of times." Guo Cheng responds.

"But we still wanted to go there with you guys. Right Pei Xin?" Fan Xing said as he smile widely at everyone.

"Yeah!" Pei Xin answered lazily.

"Okay! Seems everyone is excited. Let's meet up tomorrow at nine o'clock. Wang Yibo already told uncle Jiang in advance that we are coming this weekend."

"Zhan, sorry for interrupting but did Peng Chuyue contact you this past few weeks?" Meng Ziyi asked as she tried to contact their friend on her phone.

"Wait, no! Why? Does something happen to him? Since the last time we went to the bar, I didn't see him again. He might be very busy."

"Maybe! I tried to contact him but he didn't pick up my call. I wanted to ask him if he likes to go with us this weekend."

"Just leave him a message and he will reply to you if he reads it." Zhuo Cheng told Meng Ziyi with an eye roll.

"Okay!" Meng Ziyi glared at him.

"You know what Zhuo Cheng, Meng Ziyi if you love each other you better say it. Don't be like cat and dog when close to each other you're both going to bite each other." GuoCheng said smirking and making everyone laugh.

Zhuo Cheng again rolled his eyes and turned his back away from Meng Ziyi who is now blushing.

"How about you Zhan-ge, do you have a girlfriend or do you like someone?" Fanxing suddenly asked making everyone stop laughing and turned their gazes to Xiao Zhan who was startled by such kind of question.

"Aah, hehehe! I don't like anyone." Xiao Zhan respond but Wang Yibo flashed in his mind. He shook his head gently to brush it off.

"But you have a secret admirer sending you flowers," PeiXin said.

"I don't know him and he stopped sending flowers now." He pouted as he thought of that person.

"Aherm! Can I join everyone?" They turned their back to where the voice came from.

"Yibo-ge, sure! Come join us. We are talking about going to the ranch tomorrow." Yubin respond to him and offered him a seat between him and Xiao Zhan. Wang Yibo throw a glance at Xiao Zhan, smiled, and then sat next to him.

"Oh okay." Students already used to sew Wang Yibo in school and always with Xiao Zhan's group aside from when they have classes.

The next day at around 9 am they meet up at Xiao Residence. Wang Yibo on his motorcycle, Xiao Zhan, Zhuo Cheng, and Ji Li in Zhuo Cheng's car. Yubin and Meng Ziyi are in their car and Guo Cheng, PeiXin, and Fanxing on Guo Cheng's car. Peng Chuyue will meet them at the ranch according to Meng Ziyi so she asked Wang Yibo for the address.

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