XXI- Revelation and Escape

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"Arthur, I found them." Dimitri who walked behind the small hut of the old man saw two guys running away.

Arthur Chen and the rest left the old man and run toward Dimitri.

"What are you waiting for? Chase them!" Arthur Chen commanded. They then all run to chase Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan.

"Zhan, you go ahead. Run as fast as you could. Go to the left side of that small forest we have to lose them again."

"Okay!" And he run as he could. It's just lucky that the medicinal leaves that the old man gave made his foot a lot better.

They crossed the small forest but they were not able to proceed as they reached the cliff where down there is an ocean.

"What we're going to do now? We're nowhere to run. I'm tired Wang Yibo." Xiao Zhan said panting and chasing his breath as he bend down on his knees.

Then Arthur Chen and his gang came out just from the way they came from.

"You know what Wang Yibo, you just tired yourself from running. You know that I won't stop chasing you. If I came back from Russia to here in China just to find you much more in this forest which is smaller than the distance from Russia."

"You talked too much ugly dumbo." Xiao Zhan butt in.

"Oh, hi Xiao Zhan! The sole heir of the Xiao Group of Companies. You know what? I am very lucky today as I am about to hit two birds with one stone." Arthur Chen then laughed evilly.

"What is he talking about Wang Yibo?" Xiao Zhan moved closer to Wang Yibo and whispered.

"He is talking about us but I don't understand also why he is talking about hitting two birds. Let's wait 'till he spills everything out." Wang Yibo replied softly whispering.

"Of course, you two don't understand what I am talking about as you didn't know who I am." Arthur Chen again laughed as he thought the two like a fool. While his men are just watching them intently with the guns in their hands pointing to the two of them aside from Peng Chuyue who is looking at Xiao Zhan with guilt plastered on his face. Xiao Zhan looked at him with questions in his eyes.

"Oh by the way Xiao Zhan, you wondered why your best friend is with me? For you to know and to understand, he is one fool friend you cannot trust with. Because of money, because of jealousy, he managed to betray you. Right, Peng Chuyue?" Arthur then smirked towards Peng Chuyue.

"That's not true Zhan!"

"Oh? Isn't that because of money that's why you worked with me? Isn't that because of money you told me that Wang Yibo is working under Xiao Xiu Ying and you are the one suggesting I get them into the trap so I will pay you for your mother's operation? And you told me that you are jealous as Xiao Zhan has everything he needs? And he is a brat that whatever he will asked from his Dad he can have it while you, you made your family business fall into bankruptcy that made your mother fall sick and now in a coma?"

Xiao Zhan was shocked by the revelation of Arthur Chen.

"Is it true Peng Chuyue?" Xiao Zhan still gives his best friend the benefit of the doubt as he can't believe that he will do it against him for all those years that they spend their friendship together. He even treated him like his brother.

Wang Yibo held Xiao Zhan's wrist as he was about to break down.

"Relax Zhan. Don't let that Arthur play with your mind."

Arthur Chen smiled as he saw Wang Yibo holding Xiao Zhan's wrist.

"Whoah! Wang Yibo so a protective bodyguard but I don't think you can protect him now as I won't let you both stay alive."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now