VI- No Choice!

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Wow!" Xiao Zhan exclaimed as he got out of his car. He took his car rather than riding on a motorcycle with his bodyguard beside his luggage has no space on it. "What a beautiful place." He spread his arms and closed his eyes as he feels the soft gentle touch of the breeze on his skin.

"Do you like the place?" Xiao Zhan opened his eyes as he heard Wang Yibos' voice behind him. He smirked before turning behind.

He nodded. "Is this your place?" He asked with furrowed brows. In his mind, "if this is his place or his family, he is not just an ordinary citizen. He is rich! But why he worked as a bodyguard? Is it his hobby? Hehehe!" Xiao Zhan unconsciously chuckled lightly as he thought about Wang Yibo which didn't leave unnoticed by the other guy.

"Is there anything funny?" Wang Yibo asked Xiao Zhan but still on his serious facial expressions.

Xiao Zhan just shrugged his shoulders and walked towards his car boot and took out his luggage. He doesn't have any idea yet what he is going to do at that place or what his bodyguard trying to do to him. He again smiles when he thought that way to his bodyguard.

"So what I'm going to do now?" He raised his brows while asking Wang Yibo who just standing a few steps away from him, waiting.

"Just follow me." Wang Yibo respond and turned his back fròm him and started to walk. Xiao Zhan slowly walked behind him while his eyes were busy roaming around the place.

The place is a large area of land and the majority of the area is a golf course facing the ocean. There is a clubhouse on the hilltop where Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are dropped off. In the lobby, they met some staff who took Xiao Zhans' luggage from him.

"Take his luggage to the prepared room for him." The staff bowed his head and nodded and proceed to what Wang Yibo told him. Xiao Zhan's brows furrowed and glared towards him.

"Hey! Can you please tell me all about this? Until now I have no idea what I am going to do here. I don't know how you persuade my Dad and he trusted you this much to let you take me here." Xiao Zhan started blabbering which caught everyone's attention passing by.

Wang Yibo made his steps slightly faster which made Xiao Zhan jog and walked behind him. "Hey, can you please walk slowly?" Xiao Zhan stopped walking as he felt tired and panting. He bends his body and puts his hands on his knees; breathlessly. When he thought he is fine he lifts his head and looked ahead of him. Wang Yibo is nowhere to be found, he looked behind him but no one is there. He gritted his teeth, "that, that stupid......grrrrr..." he is pointing to the place where he last saw Wang Yibo standing mumbling. He got up and walked towards the end of that passage stomping his feet and mouth pouted. When he reached the end, the automatic door opened and a nice view of a large swimming pool overlooking the ocean draw his attention. His mouth opened wide in amazement. He slowly walked around the pool down to the lawn where there were lounging chairs. They have a vacation house in Sanya* but this place quite amazed him. (A/N:
Sanya, a city on the southern end of China’s Hainan Island has several bays with large beach resorts.)


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