XI- Training continues

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The Police Investigation Division is quite busy with some police interrogating a person for a certain crime. Sitting in front of the monitors a guy in his early 40's looking and listening intently at the investigation going on the screen when a young policeman came and whispered something. He nodded and bid a leave to the person sitting next to him telling him to do what he was assigned to do. He stands up and walked out of the interrogation room and headed to his small office as the young policeman told him that someone is waiting for him.

"Wang Haikuan, how have you been?" His guest is none other than Liu Haikuan of The Private Eye.

"I'm good. How about you Wang Yi Zhuo? You seem busy ah?" Wang Haikuan immediately stands up from his seat as he saw the owner of the office he got in.

Wang Yi Zhuo is one of the outstanding police assigned to the Crime and Investigation unit of their department

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Wang Yi Zhuo is one of the outstanding police assigned to the Crime and Investigation unit of their department. He is one of Wang Haikuan's childhood friends. They swore as brothers and when they choose their profession they maintained their contacts and help each other as their jobs are quite similar.

"Here's the file that you wanted to see." Wang Yi Zhuo handed a folder to Wang Haikuan.

"Thank you!" Wang Haikuan then opened the file and looked at what is written there.

"The record says he is the mastermind of kidnapping Xiao Zhan when he was four. To get ransom from Mr. Xiao Xiu Ying, as at that time his business is falling into bankruptcy. He had big envious of Mr. Xiao as he can't accept the fact that Mr. Xiao entered into business later than him but it is Mr. Xiao who excelled and expand his business faster than him. Until his shares from other companies were sold to Mr. Xiao to save his other businesses but he failed. The thing is Mr. Xiao separated business from his personal life and had no vices unlike Mr. Xiu Qing that always seen in Casinos." Wang Yi Zhuo narrated.

"So Mr. Xiao Xiu Ying didn't do anything about bankruptcy?" Wang Haikuan asked trying to clarify things.

"Based on my investigation, yes! Mr. Xiao Xiu Ying became successful and powerful in the business world because of his intelligence and discipline to run his business. Since his wife died he focused on expanding his business and being a father as well to his only son Xiao Zhan." Wang Yi Zhuo explained.

Wang Haikuan nodded to agree. "According to this record, Mr. Xiu Qing has a son but after he died his son was sent to the orphanage as no one claims him nor their relatives. And what is the reason he died?"

"I investigated the case, the doctor who did an autopsy said that he died due to a complicated illness and according to some prisoners before he died there is someone who seldom visited him, and two days before he died that's the last time they saw that person. No one knows who that guy is as Xiu Qing didn't tell them who he is."

"Have you checked the CCTV? They might have records of that person visiting him."

"We did but his face is not clear as he covered it."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now