XXIII- 🔞Love and Desire🔞

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Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo played at the waterfalls. They did a swimming race, chasing each other underwater until they get tired and decided to go up on a big rock. Lie down and enjoy the wonderful moment with nature where only the streaming water, the water splashing when it drops from the falls, the birds chirping, monkeys and squirrels who jumped off from branches to branches of trees. Butterflies with different colors fly above them.

"Whoah! I love it here. What a quiet place. No hustle and bustle like in the city." Xiao Zhan spread his arms and even legs to express how he loves the serenity of the place. "But I miss my Dad. He must be very worried now." He suddenly remember his Dad then he put his arms and legs down and wipe the tears which started to form in the corner of his eyes.

"Come here!" Wang Yibo pulled Xiao Zhan gently to embrace him, to comfort him.

Xiao Zhan let Wang Yibo cuddle him as he felt at ease and comforted. "Thank you, Wang Yibo. If you're not here I don't know what to do. Now I understand why my Dad wanted me to learn everything. Enable to survive in any circumstances if he is not with me if I'll be left alone." He started to sob.

"He just wanted you to grow as an adult. Slowly learn those things, I can help you too." Xiao Zhan snuggled on Wang Yibo's chest when the wind blew.

"It's cold!" Xiao Zhan shivers as they're still wearing their wet clothes.

"Let's go to the cold spring. You haven't seen it yet."

"Okay let's go!" They then got up and slowly walk through the banks up to where the water from the waterfalls came from.

Xiao Zhan was again amazed by the spring. He climb up to the rocks where the aquiter came out and produce a heavy flow of water.

"It's nice here, right?"

"Yes! And the water it's really clean." Xiao Zhan said while using his hands to scope the water and drink it.

Wang Yibo jumped off into the water and made a big splash.

"Hey!" Xiao Zhan wiped the water from his face.

"Come here, Zhan." Wang Yibo invited him to join the water.

"But it's cold."

"I'll make it warm." Wang Yibo chuckled while he said it.

"What do you think of yourself? Heater?" And he also jumps off into the water and landed next to Wang Yibo but he shivers as he finds the water cold.

"You're shivering." Wang Yibo laughed at him.

"It's the same water as from the waterfalls, how come you're feeling cold here?"

"Maybe because the sunshine cannot penetrate much here in this place unlike at the waterfalls down there that it's more exposed to sunlight." Xiao Zhan said his lips trembling in cold.

Wang Yibo suddenly pulled him and hugged him from behind.

"Hey! What are you doing Wang Yibo?"

"Make you warm."

"I've noticed you already abusing me. Not because I let you embrace me once you can embrace or hug me anytime you want." Xiao Zhan tried to get out of his hug.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now