V- Take Control

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Weekends are the time when everyone out from work and school wanted to unwind. Do things they like of their own will and timing. This is how Xiao Zhan, his cousin Zhuocheng and his friends are doing. Friday nights after school they're always at their usual place to release their stress from a week in a university and have fun with things they enjoy.

"Remember your treat today my dear cousin," Zhuocheng smirked towards Xiao Zhan as soon as they met at the car park of their favorite hang-out. It's a music lounge and bar. The place not only offered music playing on-air while you're enjoying your red or white wine or any drinks but they also have a live band where they welcome the audience to sing or play instruments to add a lively atmosphere and give chance to others to showcase their talents.

"No worries, my call. When did I break my promise when it comes to this." Xiao Zhan laughed making his eyes smaller and showing his bunny teeth.

Wang Yibo who just quietly stood behind him just listened to the conversation he had with Zhuocheng but unconsciously moved a step behind when Xiao Zhan started to laugh.

"Oh hi, Mr. Wang Yibo. You wanna join us?" Zhuocheng asked as he noticed his cousin's bodyguard quietly standing beside him.

"Of course, he will. Right, Mr. Wang?" Xiao Zhan smirked as he turned to face Wang Yibo and move closer to him.

Wang Yibo's mind panicked as Xiao Zhan stepped closer, he again stepped back to avoid him.

"Aiya! Enough Xiao Zhan, let's go inside. All of them are waiting for you. You're always late." Zhuocheng then held his wrist and pulled him towards the bar.

Wang Yibo released a sigh of relief as the two left. Then he walked slowly to follow them. A sight of men and women in their twenties welcomed Wang Yibo. He turned his gaze around and observed. Most of the customers are his age or like Xiao Zhans' age. He walked towards the bar counter and sat on one of the stools there while his eyes roamed around to look for Xiao Zhan. He saw him sitting on one of the sofas at the corner with other guys and gals drinking and chatting. His eyes narrowed as he saw a guy approaching Xiao Zhan, tapping his shoulder, and being pulled by Xiao Zhan to sit beside him They embraced him on his shoulders. With the sight, he saw he did order a.

"Vodka on the rocks please." He told the bartender with his stoic face making the bartender furrow his brows.

"Ahm Sir, are you sure it's vodka on the rocks?." The bartender said as he finds it weird. It's his first time for him to heard it. What he understand when you said "on the rocks" means serving with cubes of ice and vodka isn't served like that aside from being chilled as it is not good to drink it warm.

"Just do it as I said." Wang Yibo's voice became authoritative and made the bartender quickly prepare his order.

"You order, Sir!" After thanking the bartender Wang Yibo drank the liquor in one gulp while his eyes still focused on Xiao Zhans' direction where he and his friends cheered their drinks but his arm was still on the guy's shoulder.

"Another glass, please." Wang Yibo ordered again facing the bartender while waiting for his order didn't turn and looked in Xiao Zhan and his friend's direction again.

"Wooo!" The customers cheered in unison with some whistling and clapping their hands but Wang Yibo doesn't care.

Youthful years

Beyond our control

All because of

The burning dream in our hearts

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐈: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now