Take me home part five

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The master started to get frustrated, he was mumbling about the time line around this place being completely destroyed.

"It's impossible to land!" He yelled, slamming his hand into the console.

You jumped and he flicked his gaze to you, for a moment something flashed over his eyes and then it vanished.

He sighed and straightened up, running a hand through his hair before he filled turned to you.

"We can't land, the time frame is completely unraveled, it's impossible to find a certain place to land in."

You nodded your head in understanding and flicked your gaze to the doors. The master followed your sight and walked over to them, swinging them open, revealing a planet that was mostly grey.

"Well, come on then." He grumbled.

You stood up and carefully walk over, mindful not to get close to him, you kept your gaze glued to the planet.

It looked familiar, that's all you could tell. The master stared at you for a minute before he turned around. He stopped in line with you and caught a you flicking your gaze to him before you quickly averted your eyes.

"Stay here." He said, time oddly soft.

"Alright." You replied just as soft.

The master walked away and you leant against the wall. It was peaceful, staring out into the endless vast of space.

Sure, you were with the master and he wasn't exactly the most safest or calmest of people, but staring out at the universe made you feel calm, sheltered.

A voice echoed in the back of your head, gradually getting louder.

"No matter what, I'll keep you safe."

It was the same voice, he same man. You furrowed your brows, Who was he to you?

"Five more minutes, then we leave. Understood?" The master called.

You turned to face him, for the first time in a while, since being here, you smiled gently. A smile that made he masters hearts beat just a little faster.

"Yes, thank you."

"For what?"

You shrugged, stilling smiling softly.

"For letting us stay for a few moments."

You turned back around and the master placed a hand to his chest. His hearts were sill beating swiftly.

He could see that smile all over his mind, as if he had seen it millions of times. It was a smile that made him feel instantly calm.

He sat on his chair and rested his chin on his hand as he thought deeply. All while occasionally sneaking glances at you.

Roughly five minutes passed and you closed the door and stepped away, turning to face the master and gave a shy, small nod.

"Finally, I was getting bored."

"Sorry.." you muttered.

The master rolled his eyes and started to press buttons and pull levers, planning on setting his TARDIS in flight.

You simply stood there waiting, and he pulled one last switch, but the TARDIS has other ideas, it violently launched forward, the doors swinging open.

The master caught himself in the console but you weren't so lucky, you fell straight towards the open doors.

"MASTER!" You cried out.

The master stared at you, a memory resurfaced.

You were standing in the middle of a burning street, eyes glued to his.

"MASTER!" You cried.

Suddenly you were thrown backwards by an explosion.

The masters hearts dropped, you were clinging to the TARDIS just barely.

"Just hold on!" He yelled back.

The master frantically started to presses buttons and flick things, hoping to fix this before time ran out.

"Stupid! Stupid! What do you think you're doing?!" He yelled at the machine.

It whirred and straightened itself out, leaving you hanging out the door.

"I.. I can't... I can't hold on..."

Tears streamed down your face as your fingers slowly slipped, your heard felt like it was running out of your chest.

You were quickly loosening your grip. You felt your hand give way, it let go. Your mouth opened in a silent scream, your eyes wide.

This was it.

Everything was going in slow motion, you falling.

Suddenly you stopped, with wide, terrified eyes, you met the wide ones of the master.

"I've got you, I'm going to pull you up, okay?"

You swallowed harshly and nodded your head, registering the fear in his eyes. The warmth of his hand.

"I've got you love, just hold on..." he whispered

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