Take me home final

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The doctor stood in front of you protectively, holding her arm arm behind her back, letting you hold her hand.

"Master, let's talk about this, just me and you." The doctor said lowly.

"No! She has a right to know!"

The master held out his hand and turned his face to you, giving you a gentle smile.

"Take my hand." He said softly.

You swallowed nervously, squeezing the doctors hand just a little bit. The master faltered but he kept his hand out.

"Love, take my hand." He said again.

You shook your head and the master lowered his hand with a sigh. He turned back to the doctor and his filled with rage.

"I know who she is, and I want her back." He hissed.

"You remember?" She asked.

"I remember everything doctor!"

The doctor gave you a look over her shoulder and turned back to the other time lord.

"She doesn't remember."

"I can make her remember."

The doctor looked defeated but she took a step away from you, giving you a nod.

"You choose, who do you want to go with (Y/N)?"

Glancing between her and the master, you felt torn. It should be an easy choice, you should be able to choose the doctor but you were torn between them both, you wanted to go with the both of them.

"Master, Who are you to me?"

Turning you gaze to his, you found him smiling, his brown eyes were warm, not cold or angry.

"Someone very important."

The master took a step forward, this time you didn't move back, so, he walked closer until he was stood right in front of you.

The doctor watched anxiously, if even the slightest thing went wrong she was ready to jump between the both of you.

The master stared into your eyes and raised his hand, you flinched a little as he placed it on your cheek, you pain flashed through his eyes, but he said nothing.

"You have to remember love, remember."

"Remember what?"

"Close your eyes."

You took a shaky breath and closed your eyes, the master placed his other hand on your other cheek and you felt him pulling an imagine up in your mind.

The man on the hill with you.

"Look at him, look at him closely. Listen to him." The master instructed.

You stared at the man and yourself, the man was slightly more visible. You could make out his nice suit, and his messy hair.

"Are you happy love?" He asked.

You stared at him, then slowly walked over, trying to get a good look at his face. He was staring at the other you, the one at your side.

That's when you saw it, the glimmer in his eyes. He finally came into focus and you stumbled back, snapping your eyes you stumbled back from the master.

"What have you done?!" The doctor yelled.

"Nothing!" He yelled back.

You stared at the master, memories flashing through your head, but each one registering. Each one was different, but they were all with him.

Once it stopped you stared at the two arguing time lords.

"I was with you that day."

Your voice made them stop and you padded a little closer to the time lords.

"I was with you master, on the day I lost my memory. You begged me not to leave the TARDIS, but I heard someone yelling, so I did. You begged me to go back, but it was too late, something exploded and I was shot backwards, then I wake up with the doctor."

The master laughed a little, clapping his hands together a few times happily.

"You.. you remember? Oh, please tell me you remember me now?"

Smiling softly, you nodded your head.

"Yes, darling, I remember who you are."

You turned to the doctor and jumped into her arms, spinning her around a few times much to the masters disappointment.

"Thank you for looking after me doctor."

Pulling away, you took a step back and she gave a bright smile.

"I'm glad you remember."

With that, the doctor headed to her TARDIS, with a wave she left and you turned back to the master.

You walked even closer and slipped your arms under his blazer, wrapping them around his torso while he placed his gently on your back.

His head rested on yours while your head rested on his chest, listening to his hearts beat.

"Master?" You said softly.


"I'm sorry I forgot you."

"You better be." He said teasingly.

Laughing, you pulled away and slapped his chest lightly. Placing your hands on his cheeks, you pulled him down for a kiss, one he was more than happy to return.

When the both of you pulled away for air, he held out his hand once more.

"Take my hand love?" He asked with a smirk.

"Gladly darling, take me home."

"With pleasure."

Lacing your fingers with the master, you both headed back to his TARDIS. He let you enter first and as soon as you were both in and the door was closed he had his arms around you again.

"I'm not letting you go again... never again." He muttered.

"Master, it's okay. I'm okay."

"I nearly lost you!" He yelled, "I don't want to do that. No one understands me like you do, no one loves me like you do."

Smiling softly, you pushed him back a little and kissed his nose.

"You won't."

He smiled back and pulled you flush against him, a smirk visible on his lips as he leant in, only stopping inches away from your face, you wrapped you arms around his neck and smirked teasingly back.

You were back home

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