An Animal Crossing Sweet Tooth!

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*Midoriya's POV*

They're coming here??? That's fine of course, but the combonation of Kacchan and everyone in this dorm house is bad. Really bad. But Kirishima is there to hold him back and we have video games to distract him.... then again the video games will just make him more angry, but there's no way to get mad playing Animal Crossing unless you're one of those people that hates Tom Nook for giving debt. Kacchan is probably that person. We might just make it out alive if no one provokes him..

"Uku! Izuku!" Shoto had waved his hand in my face as I was zoned out. "Babe. You were mumbling again. If Bakugo tries anything you know he won't get away with it. He's become a bit more soft since the dorm houses."

"You're right, sorry. I am really exited though!! We're going to play Animal Crossing together and play board games and have fun as a class!!" I jumped up excitedly. Shoto grabbed my hands and kissed them as i continued to bounce up and down. "I SHOULD BRING MY BLANKETS AND PILLOWS DOWN!!" I kissed Shoto on the check and ran to the elevator.

The whole dorm house was hanging out downstairs talking and having fun as we waited for the more chaotic and more chill half of our class. Everyone was stoked to play, even if they've never heard of the games. Once we got the news of the sleepover-party Shoto immediately bought the Animal Crossing copies and requested them to be delivered immediately. I grabbed all of my pillows and blankets and then proceeded to try and maneuver around the room without having any of my action figures or papers fall.

I tripped on my way to the elevator but i didn't break anything thanks to the pile of pillows and blankets in my hands. Once I got back down stairs I set my stuff on one of the empty couches and called Shoto over to cuddle as we waited. About ten minutes later I heard a loud knock on the door and a muffled yell of "WE'RE HERE!!" Iida opened the door and let the rest of our class in.

"HELL YEAH PARTY TIME!!!!" Sero shouted. At this point me and Shoto had gotten up and greeted them.

"Sero we can't party yet!! We gotta built the FORT!!!" Kaminari pointed out. Looks like everyone brought their blankets and pillows with them. Wait. A FORT?!? My eyes lit up. Forts are the best!!!

"FORT TIME!!!!!!" I screamed from excitement. Oops, there goes Kacchan being slightly calm.

"SHUT IT!" Kacchan yelled before Kirishima locked eyes with him, which I guess was "knock it off" because I know he would have said more. We started building the fort, making sure everyone could fit in and be comfortable before Shoto handed out the Animal Crossing copies.

*No POV*

"ITS TIME!" Mina, Kaminari, and Sero said all at the same time.

"You guys what should I name my island?!?" Sero asked.

"Bro call it Weed Island. or Munchie or some shit like that." Kaminari said as he named his island "Four Twenny."

"Smart." Was Sero's only answer as he shot finger guns at his friend as he typed in "Weed Island."

"Wait! What did everyone name their island?? and what fruit did you get?! I got cherries and named my island Bubblegum Island!!" Mina jumped up a bit and turned to everyone in the tent.

"I got oranges and I named my island Four Twenny," Kaminari said proudly, pointing it his chest.

"Weed Island. I got apples," Sero put up a peace sign.

"Shark Island!!! I got peaches!!!" Kirishima said with a smile.

"Boom Island. Cherries. Fuck off," Bakugo put up a middle finger.

"Strum Island. Pears," Jiro put up a rock n roll sign up.

"Hero Island!! Oranges!!" Midoriya was nearly inaudible mumbling his answer due his immense concentration.

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