Wakey Wakey, Creati is Amazing

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Momo POV

  I suppose you all haven't heard from me or any of the girls yet, so I guess I'll be the first! I have two soulmate pets, a crow with a slightly purple tint that loves to mess with my music, her name is Yomi. I also have an axolotl that some times uses an acid like liquid to burn through things. Her name is Bubblegum. Anyway, my quotes are "Yo Yaomomo!! Cone sit over here!!" and the other saying "Yaomomo!! You can't just do that, be careful!!" Anyway, Back to whats actually going on.

  I'm currently laying on the floor, near a couch that Jirou and Mina we're laying on. I got up and stretched, looked at the time and saw that it was about 10 in the morning. There was some left over coffee and some ingredients for breakfast at the front of the fridge. I made toast and eggs, drank some tea, and then headed back in the fort.

  I noticed that Shinso was missing, and by now Iida would be awake and reading. Guess they went somewhere to get something. Okay, so I know I'm only supposed to break the fourth wall once, but I can always make a new one, so it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have a problem. I like Jirou, but I also like Mina.

  I don't know what to do. What if neither of them like me? And what it they do?? We could be poly, but... it just seems so scary, y'know? The chance of rejection. I shouldn't dwell on it though, I can work on it another time.

  I walked over to a table and started reading a book, the second to last of a series that I adore. Shinso and Iida walked into the dorms at about 11:15. "Hey guys. You going to wake them up??" I waved at them and pointed towards the living room.

  "Yes, can you help us?? We have to wake up Kirishima before we wake up Bakugo or all hell breaks lose," Shinso said sounding tired as always.

  "Of course!" I got up and moved to the couch where Jirou and Mina were, waking them up and then moving to where Kirishima and Bakugo was. I woke up kirishima first, and then woke up Bakugo. Kirishima quickly fully awakened and wrapped his arms around Bakugo to stop him from destroying the place.

  Soon everyone hand awoken and we all had brunch, minus Shinso, Iida and I, since we already ate. Then everyone besides the classmates that live in the dekusquad dorm house packed up and left, including me. Last night was actually quite fun. I don't regret a bit of it!

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