not really a chapter but i was really proud of this so🥺

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Kaminari POV

I wanted to try and make french toast for Sero and Mido, because.. well because I really like them. And no one could stop me because Iida and Shoji were studying together, and Kirishima's got my back i's Bakugo catches me! Sero and Mido are gonna be soooo proud!!

Iida POV

  Today me and Shoji had scheduled to study together, specifically french, considering how difficult it is to understand the language. Originally I asked Aoyama, but he said that he was busy. Shoji and I planned to meet at the local coffee shop. I was about five minutes away when I got a text from him saying that he was there.

  He asked what drink I wanted. I told him my usual, green tea with some honey and cinnamon. Soon I arrived and sat with him at the table in the corner.

  "Here's your tea," He handed me my tea and got out his notebook and a pencil, while I got out my textbook.

  "Thank you. I was thinking we'd start with some easier phrases?" I got out a pencil and a notebook, flipping it to an open page.

  "Sure," I couldn't see his mouth due to his mask but I could feel his smile.

  "Ok. First, mon ami (my friend)," I wrote down the phrase and waited for Shoji's response.

  "My friend!" He said after a few seconds. He wrote the phrase down and waited for the next phrase.

  "Now try mon amour (my love)," I wrote down the phrase again, and Shoji immediately responded.

  "My love!!" He sounded exited.

  "Ok, let's do a few more phrases, then we'll make a sentence, and then we switch," I said while writing down another phrase.

~short timeskip because I said so~

  "Now it's time for the sentence! Mon amour, tes yuex sont aussi beaux que la lune et l'océan (my love, your eyes are as beautiful as the moon and ocean)," Well that wasn't subtle. The whole time we've been practicing french I was studying Shoji's beautiful eyes. Let's just hope he doesn't ask questions when he figures out the sentence.

  "Hmmm... is it 'my love, your eyes are the moon and ocean?'" He took another sip of his coffee, conflicted on the translation of the sentence.

  "No, but you're close! it was 'my love, your eyes are as beautiful as the moon and ocean,'" I tried my best to stop myself from blushing, but i failed. How smart Shoji is, always wearing a mask. Then no one can tell if you're blushing.

  "Ohh! I'm surprised at how close I was. My turn to give you phrases!!" He flipped to the next page and started giving me phrases. Thank All Might he didn't question me.

Bakugo POV

  Shitty Hair and I were in my dorm studying Italian. For some fucking reason when Shitty Hair heard 'Italian' he started doing some weird 'dance' while chanting 'It's the dance of italy, hohuwoahwoah' four times before finally sitting down.

  "The fuck was that??" He looked at me in awe and then ran to the TV I had in my room.

  "I can't believe you don't know the dance of italy-" He logged into YouTube and searched 'Unus Annus cheese' the first video being 'DIY Cheese.'

  "Oh fuck no. Shitty Hair you're here to study we're not gonna watch some stupid video-" He sat in my gray beanbag and pulled me to sit in his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist so I couldn't get up.

Bnha  Class 1-A and B Soulmate AU Where stories live. Discover now