Breakfast Buds

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Bakugo POV

  Eijiro had slept over again, as the nightmares were still there, but they weren't as... intense. It was about 7am, I woke up and started my routine that Eijiro somehow got used to even though we've only had two sleepovers. I walked into the bathroom to wash my face to try and wake myself up.

  "Kaaatsukiiii," Eijiro walked into the bathroom after me and rested his head on my shoulder since he was still tired.

  "What?" I tapped his cheek to tell him to get off, and he reluctantly complied.

  "Why do you have to get up so earlyyyyyy," He took a hand towel and put it under water and rubbed it on his face trying to wake himself up.

  "Because if I don't you idiots will complain about not getting breakfast like I'm your fucking mother, or complain about destroying my fucking kitchen," I walked out and walked to my dresser to change as Eijiro still struggles to wake up.

  "Ughhh, you're not wrong," He walked out of the bathroom and took the clothes he put on top of my dresser the night before and walked back into the bathroom, closing the door.

  "Can we have waffles and Pop-Tarts for breakfast?" He asked through the door.

  "Only if Dunce Face is monitored because you know what happened the last time you fuckers had Pop-Tarts," I said as I changed.

  "Yes chef," He said with a laugh. "What is up with you fuckers and calling me chef?" I walked over to Tekari to give him his morning pets.

  "Kaminari and Sero say it's because you're like Gordon Ramsey," He walked out of the bathroom and went over to pet Tekari.

  "I am not like fucking Gordon Ramsey," I called for Tekari and left my dorm to take him outside.

  "Kaaatsukiii," Eijiro called in a sing-song voice as he followed me downstairs. "Can we talk, pleaseeee?"

  "About what?" Ohhh shit, this is where I die because I made a dumbass decision, I fucking hate it here.

  "I love you too."

  "What?" Panic time panic time it is fucking panic time!

  "You said that you loved me when you thought I was asleep, but I wasn't. You aren't slick, Blasty. I am just replying to you," Eijiro laughed and walked over to me.

  "Why are you like this? Why must you be so smooth you beautiful bitch??" Ah shit did I say that out loud? FUCK. "I said nothing you heard nothing shut up," I added quickly.

  "I didn't say anything, Kat," He laughed. God damn that fucking laugh, it's too FUCKING adorable.

  "Are you going to ask me to be your boyfriend or do I have to make the first move again?" I smirked, somehow hiding my blush.

  "Oh fuck you, Katsuki," Now he was blushing, and that was a godly sight.

  "You can't do that if we're not dating," I deadpanned.

  "KATSUKI WERE SIXTEEN!!" His face got as red as his hair.
  "You know that was a joke you big baby," I messed with his hair and moved to let Tekari in.

  "Can we just make pancakes??" He said sounding defeated.

  "Nope, not yet. You wanted to talk," I said smirking again.

  "Ugh, fine," He said with a laugh. "Boyfriend yes no?"

  "What?" Why do I love this dumbass?

  "Will you be my boyfriend yes or no?" See now that makes more sense.

  "Oh my god you're a dumbass- yes." I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. "Now lets make those pancakes."

A/N: Lmao they're dumb bitches. I wrote this while watching Unus Annus, the last part specifically I was watching DIY Cheese so I was writing these dumbasses "confessing" while Mark and Ethan chanted "It's the dance of Italy, woah woah woah, it's the dance of Italy, woah woah woah." So yeah fun times. Memento Mori bitches, gotta bounce.

Bnha  Class 1-A and B Soulmate AU Where stories live. Discover now