Oh God Oh Fuck, the Cat is Above You

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  The dorm was... trashed. Candy wrappers and empty chip bags were everywhere. Not to mention the cans of Monster that were crushed and used to stay up. Some people when to bed at a reasonable time.

  Aka Iida went to sleep at 9:30. The only reason Bakugo didn't was because of how much led he was challenged. So the rest of the class stayed up until 7am hit. By then they had no more Monster, so they fell asleep.

  There were so many kids on the floor that it looked like a murder scene. Bakugo insisted on getting the couch, so naturally the bakusquad took the couches as well. Since there were only three, it was two to a couch. Mina and Jirou, Kaminari and Sero, and Kirishima and Bakugo. The first one awake was Iida, who awoke at 8:00 and tried to clean up as much as he could. Or so he thought he was the first to wake up.

  Turns out Aizawa had been waiting to check on them since 6:00am and no one noticed. And he had extra pillows and blankets, because he knew these kids. they'd make a fort and then never take it down, which means goodbye warmth and comfort. Unless you were cuddling with someone. Then maybe you'd be comfortable but by the time you woke up you'd die from embarrassment.

  So instead of waking them he gave everyone pillows and blankets (he really just threw them on the class) and then helped out Iida. Iida moved to the fort and started cleaning it up. He looked at two figures who were cuddling. Uraraka and Tsu. He got this weird feeling in his chest.

  Jealousy? But why? He doesn't even know if he likes them. Uraraka is strong and caring, and has an honest goal and a good heart, and Tsu is honest and wants the best for her classmates, she's an amazing role model and can calm anyone down. They're both amazing people... Both of them..? Does he like both of them?? Why would he be jealous then?? This is all so new to him.. What to do??!

  "Iida. Thank you for cleaning up. Go have breakfast because I know you haven't. Please wake them up at 11:20. You all can have lunch, or in their case brunch, and then send everyone back to their dorms," Aizawa snapped Iida out of his trance and walked to the door. "Of course Mr. Aizawa," Iida walked to the kitchen and made some eggs and toast.

  He gave a small glance to the fort. Should he tell them his feelings?? No, he doesn't even know his own feelings. How was he supposed to figure out his feelings?? Maybe he could ask Midoriya? He always has the best advice and since he's dating Todoroki he'll know something about these feelings, right?? He hopes so.

  "Iida. Can you make double? And coffee?? That's the most sleep I've had ever," Shinso was sitting on the counter with his usual messy purple hair and eye bags.

  "When did you wake up?" Iida asked as he made them both breakfast.

  "Uhhh about 10 minutes ago?" Shinso was in that I-Just-Woke-Up state of not knowing what the fuck is going on. "Hey, random question, what do you do if you like multiple people? Or If you think you like multiple people??" Shinso looked away and towards Iida's brown cat that was currently floating on the ceiling.

  "I... don't know. I'm in the same boat. I mean I do have two soulmates, but how am I supposed to date two people?? I don't want to cheat, that be terrible!!" Iida put their food on their plates and handed one to Shinso along with a cup of coffee. "I was going to ask Midoriya. He must know something, right?" Iida continued.

  "Yeah, I guess. Might do what you plan on doing. Oh yeah and your cat is on the ceiling," Shinso looked back up at the cat.

  "Yeah she does that a lot. All you got to do is put her front paws together." Iida got his cat's attention and clapped, as she copied him and stopped floating. Iida caught her and held her in his arms.

  "What's her name?" Shinso asked, trying to not just take the cat and go.

  "Her name is Mochi. She always tries to steal my mochi whenever I'm eating it. I got a frog named Gweenie. It was five year old me's attempt of saying 'Greenie' but Gweenie just stuck," Iida said fondly, kissing Mochi lightly on the forehead.

  "Pfft, seems like something I'd do," Shinso gave a small laugh. "I'm gonna go take a walk, wanna join me? Maybe we can try and figure out our weird feelings haha," Shinso pointed at the door.

  "Why not, We just got to be back at 11:10 so we can wake them up," Iida pointed at the living room with the fort. He put Mochi down and tapped her nose and scratched her chin.

  "Let's go," Shinso couldn't hold back and pet Mochi and then walked to the door, Iida behind him. Mochi walked over to the living room and started floating again. Well that's a great surprise for when they get back.

Bnha  Class 1-A and B Soulmate AU Where stories live. Discover now