Chapter 1; It's Been Awhile

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   A cool breeze sweeps through the trees, carrying frail leaves from their perches down to the forest floor. A quiet rustling fills the air, accompanied by the whistling and chirping of birds among the treetops. The quiet calm is interrupted with an outburst. 

   "Gee, you couldn't pick a colder day to come exploring," America says with a shudder, pulling his jacket closer around himself. The American wears jeans as well as several layers of hoodies. "It's freezing."

   Canada laughs a bit, not bothered by the cold weather. He glances at America. "It's not that cold, Ame-"

   "Yeah, you're just weak," Australia chimes in with a grin. Despite only wearing a jacket over his usual attire-a sleeveless shirt and shorts-he seems unaffected by the cold. "It's chilly, but freezing?" 

   "Shut it, Aus." America glances back at Canada. "And it's easy for you to say, you're wearing flannel."

   "I'm wearing shorts and a light jacket. Meanwhile you're over here in, what? Three hoodies?" Australia rolls his eyes.

   "Guys, come on now, cut it out." A younger country walks at Canada's side. The country is significantly shorter than Canada, nearly reaching Australia's height, wearing a dark blue hoodie and jeans. New Zealand frowns a bit. "This is supposed to be a stress free walk, not a stressful one."

   "I ain't bein' stressful!" Australia exclaims. "If anything, America is. He started it, what with his whining."

   "I'm not whining!"

   "Are too-" Australia is silenced when a hand is placed over his mouth. 

   Canada looks down at his two brothers, sighing. "One day. Can you two go one day without bickering?" 

   America scoffs and says, "I could if Australia would stop finding little things to argue about."

   "I'm not-" Australia shakes his head. "Okay, fine. One day. I'll keep my comments to myself if America can go without doing anything stupid."

   "Which we know won't happen," comes a small mutter from behind Canada. 


   Canada continues walking down the path. "I give up. Argue or don't." Kiwi trots at Canada's side and looks around at the multicolored forest. America and Australia exchange a glance before following quietly(wow, surprise, q u i e t l y-) behind the two.

   After a few moments of silence Kiwi's face brightens. "Let's make a game out of this! Since we have a little bit before the others get here, let's make a game out of exploring! The forest is full of cool stuff, so let's see who can find the coolest thing!"

   Australia grins. "Let's do it!"

   "Yeah, it sounds fun," Canada says with a smile. 

   "C'mon guys, we already know who's going to win, you three just sit back and watch." America adjusts his sunglasses and takes off with a grin. 

   Australia isn't far behind America, running and jumping over fallen branches. "Yeah, that person is me!"

   Canada laughs and looks down at Kiwi. "May the best win?" the older sibling asks. Kiwi nods with a smile, grabbing Canada's hand before starting in the opposite direction than the two boys. The taller country doesn't protest, walking with Kiwi.

   The forest seems to sigh, a breeze sweeping through the forest and sweeping through piles of leaves as it goes. 


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